
NaturalNews Insider Alert ( newsletter 

Dear NaturalNews readers,
Drug companies are reeling from recent revelations about their common
practice of using in-house marketing writers to ghostwrite "scientific"
studies. It turns out they were conducting drug safety studies in-house,
writing up the "scientific" papers in-house, and then bribing doctors
and academics to slap their names on the papers as if they were the
actual authors. 

Today's feature story reveals this massive scam and how all four of the
big players in conventional medicine have conspired to deceive the
public: Drug companies, the FDA, the medical journals and the academics.
Read the first story below for full details... (and share this story
with anyone still gullible enough to believe that FDA-approved
pharmaceuticals are somehow safe and effective...)
Health: Widespread Ghostwriting of Drug Trials Means "Scientific"
Credibility of Pharmaceutical Industry is a Sham
(NaturalNews) The discovery that drug companies have been ghostwriting
scientific studies using in-house writers, then paying (bribing) doctors
and high-level academics to pretend they were the author of the article
is making shockwaves across conventional...


Health: Heart Drug Trasylol Pulled From Market After 50 Percent Increase
in Death Rate Discovered
(NaturalNews) Pharmaceutical giant Bayer AG has announced that it is
withdrawing its drug Trasylol from the market in response to a request
by the FDA, in the face of increasing evidence that the drug increases
patients' risk of death. "[The] FDA could...

Health: Taking Common Painkiller (acetaminophen) with Coffee is
Extremely Toxic to the Liver
Combining caffeine with the active ingredient in Tylenol (acetaminophen)
may be extremely dangerous for the liver, according to new research
conducted at the University of Washington and reported in the journal
Chemical Research in Toxicology...

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