Our son has also been dealing with an abscess tooth and finally went to the 
dentist and they were very concerned due to the extent of the infection that 
showed on x-rays.  They put him on antibiotics and gave him some pain 
medication and hopefully it will start killing the infection quickly.  

He is also in the middle of moving and when he went to turn his keys into his 
old apartment the apartment manager told him about a man that lived in the 
complex that they found dead.  He also had an abscessed tooth and the infection 
went into his brain and evidently killed him.  He died alone in his apartment.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dee <mailto:d...@deetroy.org>
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com<mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com> 
  Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>daughters infected wisdom tooth

        I personally believe flossing just makes things a lot worse, as I do 
having teeth 'cleaned' mechanically.  It makes the gum move away from the teeth 
so allowing food to become trapped.  This is not a normal thing to do in 
nature, IMO.  Dee 

        -------Original Message-------

        From: Tad Winiecki<mailto:winie...@pacifier.com>
        Date: 24/04/2008 23:08:51
        To: silver-list@eskimo.com<mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>
        Subject: Re: CS>daughters infected wisdom tooth

        On Apr 24, 2008, at 12:25 PM, 
gmetrop...@aol.com<mailto:gmetrop...@aol.com> wrote:

        > ail,
        >       The ironic thing is that this daughter was the most vigilant
        > with flossing and brushing. She says because it was impacted a
        > depression formed where food could get trapped even though she was
        > careful. The dentist is recommending all four out with no apparant
        > problems in the other teeth and a $4,000 cost. Does anyone know of an
        > electro-dermal testing to evaluate any meridan energy interference in
        > tooth meridians?