At 09:50 AM 4/28/2008 -0500, you wrote:

Morning Ode,

>> At 05:07 AM 4/28/2008, you wrote:
According to "whois"
Outrageous Canadian based site selling a potentially dangerous product out of Minnisota:
Legal loophole?

I read much of the site. While it all sounds factual, I doubt some of it, if not most.

That site is emotionally engineered to "sell" Mild Silver Protein that's probably 1/50th as effective per PPM just due to the protein coating on the particles hiding most of the surface area.
PPM for PPM, I'd bet that even Silver Chloride beats it hands down.

Plus MSP is fast and cheap to make. Just buy the powder from a wholesale chemical supply house and add it to water..."instant product"
 The site is chock full of outrageous distortions.

"The product falls within the guidelines as they existed before the 1938 Federal Regulatory take-over of our food and drug supply. Therefore we can distribute "THIS pre 1938 ORIGINAL FORMULA" without FDA "new" drug approval, in order to make this powerful completely non toxic mild silver protein formulation available to the people of America as a dietary supplement. " *** Well, it's sold as a dietary supplement, not a drug. It never was an "old drug", there ARE no old "drugs" No guidelines existed to identify ANYTHING as a "drug" before 1938 which is exactly why the FDA was formed. involve us all in a game of legal linguistic semantics as the FDA tries very hard to turn a blind eye to folk medicine so long as great harm doesn't come from it and the wording rules are followed.
Remember what happened when the FDA tried to ban DMSO?
It instantly found millions of violations that made the ruling an enforcement nightmare. Old timers had signs up in every country store in big fat letters "WE HAVE DMSO" and a byproduct of making paper with other industrial uses couldn't be supply limited. The "ban" may even still be on the books, but doesn't stop anyone at all from doing what they want to so long as the language used doesn't define it as a drug or a food.

"Because it is a pre 1938 formula, we can unequivocally state the cures for the same diseases that it was used to cure pre 1938. " ** Except that there were no official standards that defined or kept track of ^what cured what^ before 1938. MSP was used [rarely] as was opium and cocaine and even "Quick Silver" [metallic mercury] and Arsenic compounds... to "cure" everything.

"The eradication of 650 different diseases does not apply to any other product than Mild Silver Protein as reported in the previous issues of the New England Journal of Medicine, the British Lancet, and other recognised prestigious Medical Journals and publications. "

** If I recollect: The endlessly repeated "650 disease organisms" phrase came out of BYU studies done in the 80s using "ionic silver" to kill organisms in test tubes and did so at PPMs of as little as 5 Parts Per Billion. [Which took a lot longer to do than using 5 Parts Per Million, but still did the same job. ] I don't think Invive can produce a single quote of that phrase from any of those journals prior to that time, if even after that, regardless of the form of silver. The Journals may have made comment ON the phrase and used the phrase to do that, but that doesn't automatically mean "approval" or add any validity to the phrase. Invive didn't go so far as to "say" that silver cures any diseases, but emotionally engineered juxtapositions of nearly unrelated meanings imply it to the point that nearly any reader will read that *into* the text.

Emotional engineering is an actual science that's been developed and studied [for centuries] to the point that "gibberish" can be organized to reliably lodge an intended meaning in a mind ....without "saying" a damned thing.

Anyone can have themselves a "Down Pat, Riot".
As in: "Down home, Mom and apple pie... in the sky...making a wind to fly any sales flag on."

All one needs to sell any idea is a sufficiently fabricated [or real ] enemy of that idea.

Big clue!
 Villains use vilification to distract and insert emotional cues.

That doesn't mean that no real villains exist, it is, however, a way to identify one.
The pointy-er the finger, the heavier the arm what waves it as a distraction.

The very use of the word "they" sez, start looking under the speaker for the relative deficiencies of truth he's hiding. Those who use it a lot are hiding a lot, if not just from you, but from themselves as well.

Point to = point away from.
See "Triangulation" where two angles vilify a third to create an illusion of unity that depends on that third to exist. Without fulcrums, levers are useless and "move" nothing. [Laws of emotional physics 101 ]

Thusly, if you "feel moved" [especially to anger] get suspicious.
There are those who know full well what they are doing and well know how to do it.

LOL The very mention of the word "baby" triggers my chain yanker alarm systems like a sledge hammer on a big ole gong.

The FDA is not an "enemy" it's a mere stumbling block for a person with vision to find a path around. It's there to protect those without vision [who "believe" they can see] from those WITH vision, that don't care who falls over...and it ain't perfect, It has its' "blind eyes"...which is both a problem and an opportunity.

With very quiet action, one can do just about anything they want or not. Shoot. I know this girl that lived in an ol rusty van for years, smack in the middle of a high security gated luxury "rich folks" community. She made herself a quietly useful competent and reliable nonthreat and a lot of eyes went blind for a long long time. The police knew I was living quietly in a bus behind that business in their parking lot for a year [for free] while I went to trade school. That ain't legal, but they also knew it hadn't been broken into for quite a while.


What about the number of ions in 1 ppm of the blood ? I am not saying there is
a 1 ion, 1 bacteria ratio.

 If one had a volume of blood,  how would he arrive at the ppm that was CS ?

I would think that 99.999 percent of the CS used in the world today is much lower than the high ppm stuff they are trying to sell.

My two bit CS, made with a two bit generator has accomplished virtually every mission I gave it.
The only instrument I use is a current meter, and a watch of course.

I have EC meters, pH Meters, and EC analog sensors but never used them for making CS.
My generator alone tells me when to reject water.



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