It sounds like you get very little MSG.  You would be shocked to see what it
is labled as, and here is a link for a clue:

It only has to be labled MSG is its something like 99 percent pure, if its
less than that they can disguise the MSG ingredient by calling it something

MSG occurs naturally in slow cooked foods as well because the slow cooking
process releases glutamic acid from the proteins.  In fact most of the
damage from stroke happens because of the freed glutamic acid from the
tissues in the brain!  MSG is also a calcium channel opener, and magnesium
counteracts it, and so does taurine, and vitamin c and others... 

MSG occurs naturally in fermented foods as well.

Its truly a nightmare .  Maybe the list can also prove to you that you have
avoided the MSG bullet! I hope you are one. 

Sincerely Barb M. 
-------Original Message-------
From: Faith Gagne
Date: 5/6/2008 6:02:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Pacemaker
I eat very little prepared foods.  I make everything fresh from scratch.  I
may buy a few things from Trader Joes but I read labels carefully and I have
never seen msg listed on any of the few things I buy.  Thanks.  Faith G.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: B Magnatta 
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Pacemaker

I'm glad to hear it!.. I hope that you are able to avoid MSG in all its
sneeky hidden forms... 
Sincerely Barb M. 
-------Original Message-------
From: Faith Gagne
Date: 5/6/2008 4:09:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Pacemaker
I do not use MSG ever.  thanks.  Faith G.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: B Magnatta 
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Pacemaker

I can second the magnesium.  My daughter Faith also with a heart condition ,
but from birth, had 2 clinically fatal heart attacks, ... They were really
MSG reactions , but many times if one goes to the hospital with some kind of
heart rhythm problem, they give magnesium to stabilize.  Maybe calcium is
part of the problem too as they are balanced.  It would be a good idea to
check out the MSG reactions to see if that fits your diet, and what symptoms
you're having... Just google, or ask jeeves, theres more than you can read
in a day ., lol
Sincerely Barb M. 
-------Original Message-------
From: Dee
Date: 5/6/2008 2:30:35 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Pacemaker
I'm sorry to hear this Faith, and hope you find out what is causing it soon.
 Just a thought, do you take magnesium because this is supposed to be good
for the heart.. I had a similar thing to this years ago, but I had taken an
anti-biotic and forgot that you are not supposed to take other medication
with it.  I too fainted and had nausea; also having to have medication to
stop it.  Hope you find an answer soon.  Dee 
-------Original Message-------
From: Faith Gagne
Date: 06/05/2008 14:22:12
Subject: CS>Pacemaker
  A couple of weeks ago I passed out while in front of my computer.  I don't
know how long I was there.  When I woke up I was very nauseated and sick.  I
laid down for awhile but could not recover from the nausea and sickness.
Finally had to call the rescue and be taken to the hospital.