Hi, Diane,

I am not trying to frighten you, but just to send a word of caution.   

A friend of ours just had his 3rd knee replacement surgery.  The second one was 
evidentially the wrong knee type and caused continual pain.  Eight years later 
he went to a maverick type doctor who put in the 3rd knee.   Surgery took twice 
as long, partly because he took out a pound and a half of scar tissue.  Most 
doctors say you can only get up to two replacements in a lifetime and most 
doctors won't do a third.   I've heard of folks in the past have 
part-replacements to find out later the part was being recalled or that the 
doctor put in a part because he got a "deal" on it.   If your husband has good 
insurance, please consider getting a second opinion or do an investigation on 
your doctor through state boards, etc.  

And yes, I'll say prayers for both of  you.  Do keep us informed.

Take care,

