Thank you Brooks for this posting.  Can you tell me if it is possible to
*over* dose on magnesium.  I am trying to get my husband to rub mag oil in
and also to take things like spirulina, because he had a slight 'leakage'
into the brain at one point.  I also take mag citrate (400mgs) and rub in
mag oil to help stiffness.  Would this be too much in your opinion?  Many
thanks.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: 22/05/2008 00:54:48
Subject: CS>True Magnesium Level Determination
The recent commentary on Magnesium by list members prompts me to a comment 
on determining the "actual" levels of magnesium in the human body. To wit:
since magnesium (to quote Dr. Russell Blaylock) "is mostly an intracellular
ion----meaning that normal blood levels will tell nothing of tissue levels".
This circumstance calls attention to the fact that even NORMAL titers of
magnesium in the bloodstream in no way guarantee satisfactory levels in the
tissue beds of the body. In point of fact, one could be expressing SEVERE
systemic tissue level magnesium deficiency while a current blood level test
might indicate normal concentrations. This circumstance can greatly
complicate the issue.....because most doctors, presently, utilize "blood
levels to assess magnesium deficiency." 
One thing you can count on is.....if the blood levels ARE low, the tissue
levels will be distinctly, possibly dangerously, lower. 
I have a suggestion for any (especially men) who have had by-pass surgery, 