
I bought it from
They have smaller sized packages and they don't charge for handling, just
shipping.  I've yet to purchase the powder form, the liquid is what I

The other company is
They sell the same thing but I haven't bought anything from them yet.

My short experience with the magnesium oil that comes from Japan has been
one of detoxification.  I got a rash on my legs and arms that looks like
pimples but they don't break nor weep.  My skin also swelled up.  However, I
know that all of it is for the good.  Old skin rolls off the first few times
you wash your face or skin with it (I noticed it was only with certain
soaps).  In the meantime I look really bad.  If you're rubbing it on, make
sure you dilute it well.   I bought the liquid and should have diluted it as
they recommended on their site.  The wrinkles are slowly going.

My skin had been getting very, very dry and no amount of oil topically or
internally was working so I chalked it up to old age.  Now I realized my
skin needed magnesium.  It caused a sloughing of the skin (for me, may not
affect others the same) and makes the skin able to breathe, perspire, as
well as absorb emollients better. Gosh, I've never perspired this much
before, now I know why.  Since I practice iridology, I've always noticed the
dark perimeter of my iris which signifies toxic buildup in the skin.   I've
taken magnesium for many years, internally, but realize now that I needed a
particular type of magnesium externally.  The wrinkles are slowly going.
Still at an early stage of usage, so I'll report later if others are

Other than the skin incident, the pain in my thumb joint is gone.



On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Faith Gagne <> wrote:

> I am still looking for a site where I can order Nigari and hwere I don't
> have to order 5 or 10+ lbs. at a time, plus buy a lot of other stuff to make
> up a certain dollar amount on the order.  If anyone can provide that I will
> be grateful.  Thanks.  FAith G.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Nave" <
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 2:08 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>Potassium- Epsom Salts
> Many Japanese have taken to spraying some Nigari (Magnesium Chloride,
> with some Magnesium Sulfate) on their food before eating.  They seem to
> feel that it reduces weight gain.  You can also supplement with
> Magnesium Chloride or sulfate but, reportedly, the Sulfate is less well
> absorbed.  Just take less than that which causes loose stools...
> Dan
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