Has he tried some light fruit, or maybe yogurt, something easy to digest? I used to tolerate juice, whole fruit juice or nectar. I really hated it when they tried to get me to eat a big steak or something- they thought they were doing me a favor I guess.

Congrats on taking good care of him, best wishes, hope it goes well. -kathryn

On Jun 22, 2008, at 9:48 AM, Dianne France wrote:

I just wanted to comment on the wonders of cs.  Since my husband's bypass surgery Tuesday I have been able to spray cs on the chest wound multiple times each day and there isn't any redness or puckering.  The arm they took a vein out of has had a bandage and I wasn't able to spray it and they took the dressing off yesterday.  When you compare the two spots it's remarkable how much better the chest healing is compared to the arm.  I now am able to spray both.  I am spraying his hands and nose multiple times daily.  He also is using a paper towel dampened with cs to clean his eyes daily.  So far he doesn't show any signs of bacterial infection.  We have a friend down the hall (same hospital) that does have bacterial infection from surgery so we are trying to be very careful.  The friend has been in the hospital since May 30 because of the infection.
My husband hasn't been able to eat what they want a heart patient to eat.  He tried to force himself to eat the hospital food this morning but wasn't able to keep it down.  The one doctor told me he didn't care if I had to go get a big mac to feed him but get something down him.  We don't eat that kind of food but once he is released I'm sure he will be able to eat better.  Nothing tastes good to him.  My sister in law brought him some collards from the garden and he normally would have devoured them but could only get a couple bites down.  This concerns me some.
We were headed there early this morning but our well went out on the farm and my son is trying to fix it so the animals have water before we leave.  Things happen at the most inconvenient times.

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