You can write to me any ol' time! Sasha's right, I won't mind a bit!

---- S-Max <> wrote: 
> Hi Marmar, 
> Yes, I was thinking of Mary Ellen. 
> After you watch the videos if you have any questions, don't hesitate to
> contact me. I am certain Kurt wouldn't mind either. 
> Okay? I wish you the best. 
> S-Max 
> -------Original Message------- 
> From: 
> Date: 6/26/2008 7:30:40 AM 
> To: 
> Subject: Re: CS>Skin Blemishes - Lyme Disease 
> Hi Sasha. You and I emailed privately a few weeks back, but I haven't joined 
> Lytmestrategies -- are you thinking of Mary Ellen perhaps? I am already well 
> past the six week window of time. I'm going to go and watch the youtube 
> videos you included in your post. Thanks for all your help. MA
> --
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