Mothballs are a good secret weapon.

Couple of years ago a woodchuck was giving me grief.
Didn't want to kill him, just wanted him to move on.

I was real surprised that a few mothballs thrown in his burrow made
him disappear overnight.

When one engine fails on a twin-engine airplane you always have enough
power left to get you to the scene of the crash.

Oh, how I wish! I've thrown mothballs, chlorine tabs, smoke bombs, and, believe 
it or not, dried coyote urine under the shed where those fat varmints thrive!

They picked up the chlorine tabs, and the mothballs, and literally threw them 
back out the holes!

Back up to the house, watching from the deck, I swear those *%*&^ groundhogs 
came out from under the shed (they've hollowed it out under there) and waved at 

DH got a Hav-a-Heart trap and finally got the whole family. He happily took the 
last one to a vast wooded wild land a few miles away.

The next morning, they either returned, or an interloper took up residence and 
proceded to reproduce.

My neighbors had their own problems with the critters housekeeping under their 
slightly raised deck. She called me a few yrs ago with apologies because her 
husband was parking the truck next to the deck and playind several hours of 
heavy metal music at top volume (I silently shook my head).
I think they were doing the woodchuck dance.

We've given up; just reluctantly coexisting............


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