This is a repost of an email Ivan sent to the list reposting the emails from Brooks on the oxygen nebulizer protocol.

***The protocol:

To all interested list members.
        I would like to relate an experimental protocol recently developed
by one of our younger (and brighter) staff members.  He originated the idea
and assembled all parts into a working model in less than two
days-------after his original inspiration.  The original problem manifested
as a result of our fruitless search for some effective procedure for
attacking the bi-lateral form of those bacterial pneumonias which have
proved non-responsive to all of the anti-biotic protocols.  This challenge
has been especially dear to our hearts since one of our engineers lost his
47 year old wife (a wonderful school teacher), at the age of 47--------nine
years ago.
        We have used this system on 3 volunteers----and this only----within
the past four weeks.  However, we have been absolutely astounded by the
results.   One 75 year old asthma sufferer, unable to gain more than
momentary relief during the past 8 years, was able to dispense with his very
labor-intensive (unbelievably costly) hospice-assisted
protocols............18 days after undertaking this protocol.  We now
suspect that his asthma was the result of some form of secondary bacterial
pathogen......this because of the speed and degree of his recovery.
        Another of our volunteers (71 years), afflicted with a sub-clinical
bronchial infection-----non-responsive to any protocol----including Rife
Beam Ray Therapy, has improved by at least 75% within the past  21
days.........and shows every indication of complete resolution within the
next week or so.  This volunteer was in perfect health in every other
way----except for the bronchial disorder (complicated by a minor but
persistent post-nasal drainage)
        The third volunteer was an 81 year old male, completely
non-responsive to all therapies for bi-lateral pneumonia of a bacterial
nature.  This condition had persisted for 6 months and he was approaching a
moribund state, very rapidly.  24 hours after beginning this protocol, he
encountered a very serious crisis evolving from major Herxheimer's
Reaction.  Pustule formation was so rapid and intense,  100% oxygen support
was required----and the treatment protocol was suspended for two days, while
the volunteer's condition was stabilized.  Two days after resumption of the
Oxygen-CS  protocol, no supporting O2 therapy was required as the subject
was fully able to breathe adequately unassisted.  The volume of sputum/pus
fluid was massive.  Excepting very sore chest area (from prolonged coughing)
the volunteer was much improved.  Within five days he became very alert and
began to overcome his narcoleptic tendencies.  Within ten days he became
ambulatory again.  Within 15 days his lungs were unobstructed enough he
could breathe fully, with no audio evidence of fluid presence in the
pulmonary tract.  Yesterday (the 21st day) his lungs checked to be 90%
clear, with only one tiny spot in the lower left quadrant of the left lung.
His M.D. pulmonary specialist is in a state of "shock" over the
developments.  His analysis is this is the most pronounced case of
"spontaneous remission" in his 30 years of practice.  No one has informed
the M.D. of our experimental protocols, used on this volunteer.  Our
volunteer's immediate family is so irate over the fact that his allopathic
pulmonary "team" was totally unable to reverse his decline toward immediate
life-departure (the crisis management team did offer to place him on 100%
life support until clinical death)  they wanted  to instigate some form of
legal action.  We reminded them of their earlier agreement with us, that
regardless of the outcome of our experimental protocol, "neither the
procedural result nor the protocol itself,  would be broached with the
volunteer's allopathic counsel".    Additionally, based upon the anecdotal
nature of this one case, there is no way to prove efficacy.
    THE PROTOCOL;    This consists simply of using a nebulizing system
constructed from a conventional artist's air-brush assembly, with modified
pneumatic plumbing facilitating its connection to a pressure-regulated pure
O2 supply.  The air-brush mechanism was chosen because it provides an
exceptionally economical means of furnishing a very small particle aerosol fog
(4 micron vicinity).   Using a very simple adapter from the air-brush
pressure regulator, to the O2 supply hose coupling, plus a standard welding
system size oxygen fitting (female), the assembly is connected directly to
the Oxygen port outlet from either a small medical-type O2 bottle---or a
standard welding system O2 bottle outlet (they both contain the same purity
    Using the small fluid-supply bottle which comes in the air-brush kit,
then filling the supply bottle approximately 3/4ths full (about 1/2 ounce)
of 5 ppm CS, we were ready to start.  The O2 system (we used two-stage
regulators) was SLOWLY set for constant regulation at 35 psi, at which point
the system was ready for use.  We placed the air-brush in the hand of the
volunteer, who in turn pressed the push-valve button when they wanted to
direct the O2/CS fog mixture into their mouth-----and inhale directly into
the pulmonary system.  At the end of each inhalation, the volunteer simply
released pressure on the button and shortly exhaled.  This procedure was
repeated until the entire contents of the air-brush supply bottle was below
the intake point of the supply-siphon tube (about 50-75 breaths total).
This protocol was employed twice daily (24 hours) for the entire duration of
these researches.
        I will post the bill-of-materials, plus assembly details in another
post sometime tomorrow.  However, as a word of encouragement for those
unable to afford the $680.00 for a hospital-type nebulizer, the total cost
of our assembly, less the oxygen bottle and regulator, was less than $20.00.
Additionally, our particle size was BETTER from the $10.85 Taiwanese
bargain-brush, than from our $680.00 hospital-grade nebulizer (at least our
measurements indicated so).  I will. also, tell you where you can purchase
these air-brush kits .  We have, already purchased 20 of them;  outfitted
them, and given them to very needy Experimental Volunteers of a charity
nature.  Within the next 8 weeks, we should have some useable "raw" data,
which  I will attempt to share with interested list members.
    Please forgive this lengthy post, but my excitement over this
exceptionally low-cost----and promising protocol, has been keeping me awake
                May you all be well.  Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.

***Parts list and assembly:

               Good Afternoon List Members.
        Following is a list of the components required for enabling
the protocol we used in the experimental researches I outlined last
        The air-brush kit we used, was obtained from a mail-order
concern specializing in myriad hardware/electrical/hand-tool items.
Their quality is toward the low-end industrial, but quite adequate for
the home/hobby user.  Our machine shop/proto-type builders have used
them for years.  The company is Harbor Freight, located in Camarillo,
California.  They now have outlets in one or two other cities.  We
obtained our air-brush kits from the Fort Worth, Texas store (we are
located in Fort Worth).  The stock number is #6131.  Our purchasing
person informed me this item cost us less than $10.00 each, and the
last 20 purchased cost less than $8.00.  As of last Wednesday, this
store still had some of these units.   Included in the kit are two
liquid -supply bottles (one 1/2  and one 1 oz), one air hose which
couples between the pressure regulator and the air-brush assembly;
one air pressure regulator;  and the air-brush assembly itself.   The
additional parts required are for a hose assembly which facilitates
coupling the input side of the air pressure regulator with the
external oxygen supply used to power the nebulizer.
                Note:  PURCHASE BRASS FITTINGS ONLY,  oxygen is the
pre-eminent combustion supporter.
               All of these components can be obtained from any
commercial outlet stocking pneumatic system parts.
 This hose assembly includes:
                One 1/4"  Compression X 1/8" Male NPT fitting  (this
is very important, for without it you cannot connect the O2 hose to
the air-brush pressure regulator)
                 One 1/4" Barb X 1/8" NPTF  Fitting
                 One  1/4" X 9/16 RH Oxygen Fitting  (will have a barb
fitting on one end and the female coupling on the other)
                 Approximately  4 feet of any good !/4   I.D.  200+
PSI  air hose.  Tell the clerk you are going to use oxygen in the
                  Assemble the parts by screwing the Compression
fitting into the 1/4" Barb X 1/8" Male NPT fitting.  Do not worry,
only one end of the Compression fitting is compatible with the Barb
fitting.  Next, insert the barb end of this fitting assembly into the
air hose.  Push the hose on until it is jam against the shoulder of
the fitting.  Any small, screw or compression-type clamp may be used
to add security to the hose/fitting end.  Next, insert the barb end of
the  Oxygen fitting into the remaining hose end and secure with any
satisfactory clamp.  Your assembly is now complete.   Next, carefully
screw the exposed male end of the Compression fitting into the bottom
of the air-brush pressure regulator.  Now  connect the small-diameter
air-line between the air-brush assembly and the pressure regulator (it
is fool-proof, as there is nowhere else this tiny hose can connect).
                Select the small fluid-supply bottle and fill
approximately 75-80% of capacity with 5-10 ppm Colloidal Silver and
insert the angled tip assembly into the bottom of the air-brush
assembly.  You are now ready to connect to your O2 supply and operate.
                Obtain a small medical O2 bottle (anywhere around 1/2
to 1 cubic feet capacity) or any size O2   Arc welding system bottle.
Be sure to have a Two-stage regulator attached to the O2 bottle.  Now,
connect the 9/16" Oxygen-fitting to the O2 outlet from the Two-stage
regulator (also fool-proof, as there is nowhere else to connect).  Now
SLOWLY open the O2 control knob on the O2 regulator and set the inlet
pressure to your nebulizer assembly to a Maximum of 35 Pounds Per
Square Inch (PSI).    Next, screw the AIR-BRUSH air pressure
regulator control knob (the tiny knob on top of the air pressure
regulator) all the way closed..  Now, open the control knob about 2
and one-half turns.   Next, trigger the control bottom on the
Air-brush head until you see a fine fog each time you press down on
button.  The mist is so fine, you may have to hold it against a dark
back ground to see it.  You are now ready to go.
            Our best results were obtained by the volunteer inserting
the discharge nozzle about 1 inch inside their OPEN  mouth and
breathing deep---an long---on each inhalation;  holding the breath for
a count of 3 or 4 and then executing a complete exhalation.  Ideally,
there should be about 1/4" circular clearance around the air-brush
head (while inside the mouth), as this provides the optimum venturi
action for incorporating air with the O2.  In acute circumstances, the
volunteer can close his/her mouth completely around the nozzle and
breathe 100% O2------works great.
COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS.  To do so would make this protocol quite
            Good luck to all, and if you have any questions just post
them and I will try to answer.    Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.     p.s.
Any serviceable air-brush assembly could be used.  However, try to
obtain one that will yield the smallest size particle possible

At 09:58 AM 7/25/2008, you wrote:
Any alternative ideas would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance. Tom

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