On Jul 25, 2008, at 7:58 AM, tom chick wrote:

Any alternative ideas would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance. Tom

Tom-  some posts from my files-

4a. Re: emphysema
    Posted by: "Country Girl" ruth...@pcez.com ruthful2000
    Date: Tue Aug 7, 2007 1:36 pm ((PDT))

Serrapeptase is profoundly beneficial.  You can go to my site and read
up on it a little.  http://www.excellentthings.com   It clears the lungs
of scar tissue and inflammation rather quickly and I have yet to have
one person with emphysema who was not greatly helped with it.

On the Mac D.  Check out Health Point. . .also on my site.  It is under
http://www.excellentthings.com  or .net for those on dial-up.

ragadugu wrote:
Anyone know what can be done? Btw in this case is accompanied by
severe macular degeneration. No other health issues! Friend is 78.
Oxygen dependent, heartbreaking, she has such a youthful spirit, a pro
dancer.  Thanks in advance,   scarlett

        Resent-From:      silver-list@eskimo.com
        From:     slped...@gmail.com
        Subject:        Re: CS>Lung trouble
        Date:   November 3, 2007 2:22:33 PM PST
        To:       silver-list@eskimo.com
        Reply-To:         slped...@gmail.com

Dr. Basar of Ankara University, Turkey found that oregano oil (origanum vulgare) reversed emphysema in lab rats. If he coughs, it will calm the cough and it will kill pathogens. Buy it from Anatolian Treasures and get a great price and well tested product. If they don't have origanum vulgare get origanum dubium--the properties are quite similar.

Tracy had a lung purge that will do amazing things for folks with respiratory issues. Let me know if you want it and I'll send it privately.
        From:     highfie...@activ8.net.au
        Subject:        Re: [DMSO] DSMO with H2O2 in a nebulizer for Emphysema
        Date:   May 23, 2008 3:08:17 AM PDT
        To:       dimethylsulfoxide-d...@yahoogroups.com

I was talking to a colleague yesterday who was telling me about a client who had been taking long term MSM in 250 ml water TDS and completely cleared his


        From:     garnetri...@granitepoint.net
        Subject:        Re: [DMSO] DSMO with H2O2 in a nebulizer for Emphysema
        Date:   May 24, 2008 5:36:31 AM PDT
        To:       dimethylsulfoxide-d...@yahoogroups.com

MSM The Definitive Guide documents the  efficacy of MSM in the
treatment of Emphysema. Stanley Jacob, MD the doctor that
DMSO with Robert Herschler, PhD, who held the original
patent on MSM
is a co-author.

Great book and very cheap from Amazon. com
