Black Salve works wonders on small cancers without scars. 
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

--- On Tue, 7/29/08, Norton, Steve <> wrote:

From: Norton, Steve <>
Subject: RE: CS>Friend with Basil Cell Carcinoma
Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 8:44 AM

At least one person is claimed to have been helped by MMS. From the internet:

"The body naturally flushes toxins and pathogens out once they have been 
oxidized by chlorine dioxide. Therefore, it is VERY important to make sure that 
it is sufficiently hydrated.
I recently wrote of a 73 year old man recently, Eddie D., who rid himself of a 
basal cell carcinoma using a combination of MMS, chlorophyll, and Omega 3, 
while drinking six liters of water each day. To the water he added two 
teaspoons of baking soda per liter to raise the water’s pH to 8.5. Starting 
this protocol in November 2007, as of May of 2008, he no longer has a tumor on 
his temple. As a bonus, he no longer has asthma, after forty years. His lungs 
cleared up completely.
But as you can see, the MMS/chlorine dioxide protocol wasn’t his only tool. It 
would be unwise to look for one thing to solve a problem that itself, didn’t 
have a single cause" - Steve

From: George Knoll [] 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 5:25 PM
Subject: CS>Friend with Basil Cell Carcinoma

A friend of mine has a small skin cancer on the end of his nose.
The doctor he went to said it was  Basil cell carcinoma  .
Does anyone know of something that will cure this kind of cancer without the 
and cutting away the  tissue.
George Knoll