Responses to two postings here, if I can make it onto the Silver List.  I was listed as when I joined the List; have since become, and don't know if I ever notified you, Mike.  I will send this from both of those addies, to make sure one of them gets through. If I did not change my addie, can you change it now, so I can get posts through?

I have bought and/or grown greens for some time.  After cancer surgery in 1997, I grew my own wheat grass and squeezed it, having heard from a friend the information that it is wonderful for counteracting radiation side effects, which I knew I would be getting from the radiation following my lumpectomy.  Wheat grass juice tastes strong and unpalatable, but I was determined to down it and found it went down very well when mixed with Snappy Tom, a very spicy tomato drink from V8, I think.  Gave a real wallop of energy, too, so I can recommend it for people needing a pick-me-up or energizer when exercising.  (I took some fresh squeezed along on our long bike rides-- helped me get home again!  But don't keep it long after squeezing -- it loses its oomph pretty quickly.)  Oh, yes.  Not a single side effect from my six weeks of radiation treatments, and I worked all day, drove 15 miles to get the 1 minute treatment, then home again to get back at 6:00.  Every day. 

I also buy and sometimes use powdered chlorella and spirulina or other greens -- barley grass, etc,.-- when I feel like doing something really healthy for myself.  It is not easy to make them palatable out of the jar, I confess.  But, if you are like me, the distraction of a really SOUR taste helps to get around the strong green taste.  So, I stir the powders up in icy cold water, and add a large dollop of Real Lemon juice (for ease, instead of squeezing).  Then I chugalug it as fast as I can.   After all, how long can the taste last -- a minuscule percentage of your day, wouldn't you say?  Small price to pay for good health.

Now, about the ulcers.   My DH had a bleeding ulcer back in the eighties, just BEFORE the allopathic medical community finally listened to the Australian doctor who said, "It's the bacteria, Stupid."  Until then, it was spicy food, or stress, or what have you, and you had better get used to giving up everything if you had an ulcer.   He said it was an easily tested for bacteria called helicobacter, and finally got their attention when he gave himself the bacteria and got the resulting ulcer.  Kill those little devils with antibiotics and take some Pepto Bismol and you are in free.  (My husband was surely pleased he didn't have to follow his own doctor's orders and give up beer, wine, and spicy foods!)  Or, nowadays, maybe enough slurps of CS will kill them -- surely worth a try, if you can avoid the antibiotics.   In other words, it might NOT be the NSAIDS you have been taking that are giving you grief, but real critters.  Google bacterial cause of ulcers, and see how much you get on the subject.

Here is another hint, and I hope you won't think it is bizarre.  Eat dirt and get well! OK, not just any dirt, but a special healing clay called Bentonite or Montmorrilonite (spelling?) which you can easily order on the Internet.  I probably learned about it initially several years ago from someone on this forum, which is where I get dozens of bits of great information!  Ebay is a good place to buy it reasonably, once you read up on it and know what you are getting.  Read all about it here:

Animals seek it out and ingest it for health problems, as have native cultures for centuries.  I have problems with my gastrointestinal tract from time to time.  I won't take the meds they push for gastric reflux, and have virtually escaped that aggravation entirely, after years of grief with GR by changing my lifestyle.   Inflammation is the cause of more recent bowel problems I have had, I have been told.  No cure, says the specialist.  I just have to take the medicine he gives me to control it for the rest of my life (8 pills a day!).  But, the clay is good for both conditions (as well as many other things!), and I am having great luck since I recalled I had it and began taking a couple of slurps of liquified clay a couple of times a day.  I also have had two or three sessions with a lady with a magic touch, a cranial-sacral therapist (D.O.), and some homeopathics from her, so my improvement may well have been due to all three of these things.   But, back to the clay:   A swallow of it stops GR in its tracks in a couple of minutes.   It comes in a very fine powder.  I shake it up with water until it resembles a very soft pudding.  Sometimes, with CS, if I think of it.  It has NO taste, and the texture makes it easy to take.  It does leave a little grit in your mouth, so follow with some water, and then brush your teeth and enjoy whiter teeth from the fine powder dentifrice it also provides.  Done with the homeopathic regimen; finished with the D.O. until such time as I need to see her again.   But the clay remains to keep me feeling good!

I hope these nuggets of information help some!   My family and friends and I all take CS, but sometimes some other things help, too! 

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