 I asked another question of the manufacturer :

                No problem answering your questions.

                You are correct about the time. The unit has a built in
TDS type sensing circuit but no read out. If the machine runs for 3 hr
and shuts off you will have CS. What ppm depends upon the initial
setting and the purity of the water. If you have a TDS meter measure the
water before and after the run...subtract the initial reading from the
final and multiply by
                1.2 which will give you approx ppm of silver. 


                On 8/15/2008 12:09:25 PM, Norton, Steve
( wrote:
                > Paul,
                > Sorry to bother you again. This should be the last
                > I am not interested in learning any proprietary
information. The unit 
                > in question is the  CS Master AC. Your product
information says that 
                > the completion of a CS generation is not determined by
time. My guess 
                > is that you are making some sort of measurement
similar to a TDS test.

                > Question, is it possible for the unit to terminate
generation after 3 
                > hours and CS not to have been made?
 Is there any chance you have contaminated DS? This could explain the
low level of CS if it is contaniminated but not bad enough to trip the
water quality monitor in your generator. It could also be that the unit
isn't operating correctly. I think your observations of a faint beam
with the laser pointer indicates low ppm CS. Is there anything you are
doing during the process, such as cleaning the electrodes that could
cause contanimation? You could also try running the same batch twice if
the generator will let you.  With a digital multimeter you could check
your setup for voltage and current:

Or get a TDS meter:

It might be worth the expense. 
 - Steve


From: Carrole Orme [] 
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 12:22 PM
Subject: CS>Unidentified subject!

 Why do you think you aren't making strong CS???
Hi Ode
I think I am making CS but not very strong It is very clear absolutely
no fragments I use to get some
  It use to taste a little more metal now nothing
The beam is very faint and when I had checked after the 1st few months
it was quite strong
also about the blackining of the rod
I said or meant some blackening it was not a lot but more then now 
I have never seen what anyone elses looks like 
I would say it was not heavy 
You would just see some on the rod
 I really don't know if it was one or both rods I never payed attention
to that