Morning Steve,

Along these same lines, ......... almost.

>> At 11:39 PM 8/23/2008, you wrote:
>> I received a newsletter that states that Colloidal Silver and CS Generators could
>>  be banned by March  2009 by the Environmental Protection Agency.

When the FEDS sued a friend of mine, ( a few years ago, but not many ) and his product, ........ they used a Law dating back to the 1700.s ............ Relative to Maritime LAW

The FDA knocked on his door. He told the FDA Rep, .............

"Come go to the post office with me to pick up my orders".   The FDA rep went.
My friend said the guy was nice and friendly.

And Guess what ?  My friend won the Case in court.

Lawyers to work against the FEDS, .......... are not cheap.  Not at all.

My fried put an ad in many papers to summons the FDA to prove a point. And ........ it worked
in grand style.

The last time I heard from him, he was hiding out at a remote ranch. He was fearful that he was on
the HIT LIST and they would kill him.



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