Very good article.
-------------- Original message from Shiona Phillips <hyasy...@freenetname.co.uk>: --------------

> Wayne Fugitt wrote:
> >
> > I am working on an article called, "The Health Benefits of Nicotine".
> > It has been used for a medicine for hundreds of years.
> >
> > One of the worlds greatest doctors State..............
> >
> > "Nicotine prevents and Cures many diseases".
> >
> > That FACT, is totally suppressed from the American People. Why ? Why
> > ? Why "
> >
> Hi Wayne,
> I would be interested to see your article. I researched the subject
> myself several years ago, being a smoker myself, and it's fascinating
> just what has been hidden behind the scenes on the subject. Some tribal
> cultures have traditionally smoked large amounts of tobacco without any
> adverse side effects, but of course this was/is "natural" tobacco
> without the thousands of chemicals that commercial tobacco products
> contain. I myself grew my own for many years before it was possible to
> buy "American Spirit" in the UK.
> "American Spirit" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_American_Spirit
> The beneficial properties of nicotine are related to the affects of
> acetylcholine on neurotransmitters -
> http://health.howstuffworks.com/nicotine4.htm - enabling one to think
> more clearly and apparently it also has something to do with improving
> the transmission of oxygen to the brain. There is also research to
> suggest that some people have more of a need for assistance in this
> department than others due to their biological make-up which is why some
> people get "hooked" after their first cigarette and some don't.
> I heard a story once which illustrates something of it's properties. A
> group of people are held in a siege situation. There is a need for
> everyone to stay calm and suppress their natural desire to escape, to
> run away and make a bid for freedom. However, due to the obviously life
> threatening dangers presented by the enemies which surround the
> building, this would of course be rather foolish. People in the room
> have differing types of receptors and therefore differing abilities to
> produce the calming and "feel good" chemicals such as endorphins and
> seratonin required to make them feel "settled" enough in the situation
> to just sit it out.
> Those who have less of these will obviously be feeling more discomfort
> and agitation in such a situation. It could also be compared to a
> classroom of children where some of them seem to spend alot of time
> "day"dreaming out of the window, something which I myself did alot of :)
> Native shamans have also traditionally used nicotine to remove negative
> entities from a persons energy field and some refer to it having
> "grounding" properties.
> Marijuana has been "blacklisted" in a similar fashion. However recent
> studies have proved that it most definately does have medicinal
> properties which have helped many people already with various illnesses
> including MS, Arthritis and Alzheimers
> http://marijuanaforalzheimers.blogspot.com/2007/09/marijuana-may-prevent-alzheim
> ers.html
> Recent discoveries of it's benefits show how it contains an anti-cancer
> compound http://www.qmul.ac.uk/news/newsrelease.php?news_id=175
> which is very exciting in it's abilities to heal brain cancers :
> http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn6283
> and breast cancers :http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312132,00.html
> Shiona
> --
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