----- Original Message ----- From: "Wayne Fugitt" <cwa...@netdoor.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:26 PM
Subject: CS>LED's, What Voltage ? How Dangerous ?

Morning Wayne,

Not sure if you are directing this at me?

Just in case you are I would like to say that the although the adaptor I am using plugs in to 240 Volt mains supply, (our mains power supply is 240 V), it is 24Volt DC output. Not sure if you are thinking I am using 24 volt AC MAINS SUPPLY power on my CS generator, as that is NOT the case, it runs on DC not AC.

I can also remember when I was 3 or 4 years old, (long before school), my mother screamed from the laundry and as I walked in to see her she told me to get out, rather abruptly, (I thought I had done something wrong you see, and as it happened I almost DID), I can still see here in my minds eye today getting the strength up to rip her clenched hand off the top of the agitator on the old washing machine and after doing so immediately lying down on a bed. To this day I will never understand how she managed to remain alive, considering the time lapse spoken of here, and ripping her clenched hand free from the machine due to the electricity acting on the muscles in her fingers, and not being killed, (one tough SOB I guess). When I was older she told me that she yelled at me because she knew I would touch her and then I would get it also. From this I always approach electricity with the back of my hand as if it is live I won't grasp whatever it is I touch...she taught me that.

There's a little 'story' as well. I know how dangerous mains power can be Wayne, don't worry about that. That lesson is well embedded in my mind and this is why I am doing my utmost to get a better understanding now, even if it is only 'piddly' DC.

Would like to re-iterate, I am not sure if you are referring to me here, but if so...no disrespect or offence intended. I can't see how you would take this as either of those two anyway, but nevertheless I needed to say that.


They almost need a driver transistor so they would be more effective with very low current flow, used to provide higher intensity and more current to the LED.

I use my LED to reject water. If it glows at all with water alone, or more that a microscopic glow, the water is too conductive and contains something, I will not use it for making CS.

What I wanted to tell you, ....................

I have connected LED'S into 480, 3 phase voltage.

These were indicators I needed for boiler and large motor control systems.
A conventional lamp would have been safer I suppose, but would not last as long as the LED's.

I have some LED's that have lasted 25 years.

Sooner of later, some monkey will come along that has the mind set that all LED's are connected to low voltage DC.

How wrong can he be ? He may get a tingle and a shock, if he does not use his meter and realize that the monkey before him, may not think like he does.

That was years before I became addicted to electrical safety.

I suppose I should have used a transformer, and a very low value fuse.

Or a warning sign that says,...........

        Hey you nut ?  Be careful with this LED !

Who would believe it anyway.

The main point is, ..................

  Be suspicious and cautious of all electrical circuits.

The Resistor, the Diode, and the LED could all offer a shock, and kill you.

One of the stupidest things I ever saw a man do,

Was the safety officer at a large hospital. I stood right beside him and saw him try hard to get killed. He shook, quivered, and scared me half to death.

His left hand was gripping the center support ( metal ) of a large cabinet.
( not a good thing to do under any condition )

His right hand gripped the end of a fuse that failed to come out of a fuse holder.

No doubt his shaking and quivering caused the fuse to loose contact with the higher voltage
in time ........  How long does it take ?  1 second ?  Actually much less.

Survival Lessons exist every day, ........... if you are lucky enough to get the lesson, and
live thru it.



People seem to like clear or yellow CS.
When it turns gold or pink it means you are running it too long or you have
un-pure water. You have a  DVM and ohms law so you should know what to do.
Personally I like to slow brew  at about 1 ma or less.

Hope this helps,

In a  message dated 9/5/2008 3:06:08 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
nevillem...@bigpond.com writes:
Morning Dan,

OK, yep well you are  right, the adaptor is 24v rated, the resistor is in
circuit after the led, and I am still working on the ohms, kilohms x100 or
1000 thing, still  studying that bit.  Don't like the sound of that 60mA
part. Although,  going by all the anecdotal writings that abound in the
public domain, I  appear to get a good product though, going by taste,
(minimal), colour, (DS water usually clear, Pure water seems to give varying colours from clear/pink/gold, but never darker), and TE. I assumed this was fairly good stuff. After spending many hours reading all the 'rumours', (I
have to call them rumours as it's impossible to find 'dead set facts', if
you get my meaning), I have sort of made up my own mind as a result until I find someone who actually can definitely confirm what is 'good' and what is
'not', you see what I mean here, an abundance of
info/misinfo/anecdotal/could be this/could be that/this is a pretty
colour/that is a pretty colour etc etc. Oh, the rainwater CS tastes like I
have eaten a jam tin though.



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