Those of you who've been making your own distilled water for a while 
can probably answer this...

Now that I've been able to make a few gallons of my own "distilled" 
water, I'm less than thrilled with the taste of it. If I didn't know 
any better I'd say it tastes a bit like plastic, though my senses of 
taste and smell are marginal at the moment. In any case, it definitely 
has a stale or chemical kind of taste to it.

The distillate path consists entirely of the glass lid and glass jar. 
Could the glass be leaching something?

I let the water come to a rolling boil before putting the lid on, so 
I'd assume any volatiles are boiling off. Is that adequate? Or, are 
there things in the tap water that are close enough to the boiling 
point of water that they're getting carried through the distillation 

I suppose I should filter the tap water before distilling, right? 

That and maybe collecting rainwater? <grin>

Any advice? Thanks!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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