My Husband tore , broke and sprained his shoulder a while back and part of
his treatment to prevent frozen shoulder was to use chiropractic.  They kept
the bone in place while the tissues healed properly.  This might be a good
idea to make sure the bones are lining up properly so your therapy will work
effectively.  Also remember to take vitamin C, Serrapeptase enzyme , and
bromaline enzyme. These were recommended here and they worked fabulously.

Sincerely, Barb M. 
-------Original Message-------
From: Roger Barker
Date: 9/15/2008 17:43:20
Subject: Re: CS>Frozen shoulder.
Thanks for your reply Kathryn. My frozen shoulder problem has been
caused by slipping while climbing over a wire fence on my property. I
wrenched the shoulder in the fall but thought nothing of it at the
time. Over the passed few weeks the frozen problem has set in making
it very difficult to move my arm in some directions. Fortunately out
here all medical expences due to an accident are covered by the govt.
so I'm now in the hands of a physiotherapist who is already making a
difference. You're sure right about the pain bit :-)
Cheers,  Roger
On 16 Sep, 2008, at 4:21 AM, Clayton Family wrote:
> Yes. If you want to spend the money or have insurance, you can go
> to a sports doc, they will likely refer you for physical therapy,
> which includes exercises to make the muscles move. It hurts like
> crazy, but it works. They give you exercises to do at home, and IF
> you do them regularly, the muscles relax. My husband went through
> this, and it worked very well. That was some years ago. Now once in
> a great while it will act up a tiny bit, and he starts his
> exercises again.  He works on a computer all day, so maybe it is
> related to the positions involved.
> Best Wishes,  Kathryn
> On Sep 12, 2008, at 7:50 PM, Roger Barker wrote:
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