Thanks Marshall,

What you have just said makes sense to me. 

Tony Moody

On 18 Sep 2008 at 13:38, Marshall Dudley wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Meso vs. Ionic silver?

> He seems to have his facts mixed up.  It is true that ionic silver 
> becomes silver chloride in the stomach. Dissolved silver chloride is 
> STILL ionic silver, and can and will exist in the blood stream, at least 
> until it comes in contact with colloidal silver particles.  Once this 
> happens, they precipitate out onto the particles, and over time all the 
> ionic silver becomes  or enlarges colloidal silver nano particles.  So 
> since the ionic part converts to nanoparticle in the blood stream, which 
> do survive, I am not sure what he is trying to say.  In addition, ionic 
> silver is what is required for conversion to stem cells.
> Marshall
> wrote:
> > This ino was printed in a post of a man treating his family after 
> > antibiotics for lyme. He  has been helped with Mesosilver and states 
> > the reason ionic is not as good. I thought consensus was that it was 
> > the ionic part that is most beneficial. Here's whaat the article staed:
> >  Ionic silver is not the same as metallic silver nanoparticles . For 
> > example, metallic silver is not water soluble (does not dissolve in 
> > water) but ionic silver is water soluble (it does dissolve in water). 
> > Technically speaking, a silver ion is an atom of silver that is 
> > missing one electron. It is the outermost electrons of an atom that 
> > determine the physical properties of matter. Take away one electron 
> > from a silver atom and you get a silver ion which is water soluble. In 
> > its ionic form, silver is highly reactive with other elements which 
> > means it will readily combine to form compounds.
> >
> > Because a true silver colloid consists of silver nanoparticles, not 
> > ions. Inside the human body ionic silver quickly combines with 
> > chloride to form an insoluble compound called silver chloride which is 
> > far less reactive than metallic silver nanoparticles. In fact, ionic 
> > silver cannot survive inside the human body. In the digestive tract 
> > hydrochloric acid supplies the chloride ions that cause ionic silver 
> > to quickly form silver chloride. If some ionic silver were ever able 
> > to get into the bloodstream it would encounter a large supply of 
> > chloride ions owing to the fact that blood serum is rich in sodium and 
> > potassium chloride, again quickly forming silver chloride. Only silver 
> > nanoparticles can survive inside the body. Read the detailed study 
> > that proves that stomach acid destroys the effectiveness of ionic 
> > silver in a study that tested the Effects of HCL (Stomach Acid) on 
> > Colloidal and Ionic Silver. SNIP
> >
> >
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