yes, I agree, Marshall is great....

On Sep 19, 2008, at 1:05 PM, Tony Moody wrote:

Thanks Marshall,

What you have just said makes sense to me.

Tony Moody

On 18 Sep 2008 at 13:38, Marshall Dudley wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Meso vs. Ionic silver?

He seems to have his facts mixed up.  It is true that ionic silver
becomes silver chloride in the stomach. Dissolved silver chloride is
STILL ionic silver, and can and will exist in the blood stream, at least
until it comes in contact with colloidal silver particles.  Once this
happens, they precipitate out onto the particles, and over time all the
ionic silver becomes  or enlarges colloidal silver nano particles.  So
since the ionic part converts to nanoparticle in the blood stream, which do survive, I am not sure what he is trying to say. In addition, ionic
silver is what is required for conversion to stem cells.


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