Del, is that link working? Or the whole site? I'm getting an almost 
blank page that suggests it's been taken down or hacked.

Mike D.

> Hi:
> I posted a link to that Jonathan Wright article when it first appeared. 
> However, I got no response from the group so did not discuss it any
> further, however, I still think it is one of the most remarkable
> endorsements of CS that I have seen in any natural health newsletter.  
> Here is the link again, if anybody is interested:
> I also have a file copy of the article on my PC if anybody wants that
> please let me know.
> Del
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: larry tankersley 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 11:22 AM
>   Subject: CS>CS and hydrogen peroxide
>   Hey Folks; 
>   The following is from Dr. J.V. Wrights 'Nutrition and Health'  9/06
>   news letter, where he spoke very well regarding CS being efficacious
>   in stopping super-germs, [which in 1993 70,000 hospital patients died
>   with drug-resistant infections despite being treated with ABX, and is
>   now over 2 million a year.  Here is a snip.... "According to the 
>   EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, silver [and the other metals in this
>   family] bring about a key reaction in the body's defense system: the
>   production of Hydrogen Peroxide." I'd love to see that study, the
>   methodology and. if it was repeatable.  'Extraordinary claims require
>   extraordinary proof.' As I hear so often in dialoging with my learned
>   friends at University of Fl., " Show me the studies" I'd also like to
>   see in vivo research that proves, what I see as conjecture based on in
>   vetro studies of what CS is compounding with; best I can tell there is
>   little more than extrapolation based on in-vitro/ test tube/dish
>   findings; which is far from being the elec-chem machine that we are.
>   In short, I'll ask the same question I ask years ago of Frank Key and
>   other science minded... WHERE ARE THE IN-VIVO STUDIES the assertions
>   being made are base on? When this question was ask several years ago
>   the thread came to an end.... are there are no such SCIENTIFIC
>   studies? Regardless, here's what I know, and really all I care
>   about... The product I've been making the past several years [with the
>   silver pup] works for what I used it for, savings me literally
>   thousands of dollars in medical and dental expense, pain and
>   suffering, as it has for others I know...  And once again... Thanks
>   Mike, the benevolent dictator extraordinaire !!
>     PS If anyone has a in file copy of the Dr. Wright 09/06 vol.13 issue
>     8 news letter I'm sure it would be of value to many if posted.
>     Thanks
> larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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