If list members have, already, received this I do humbly apologize. However, I sent this posting about 1:00 pm today and have failed to see it appear on the list. While I do not suffer ego self-indulgences it is with some effort that I compose postings these days. If anyone received my earlier posting...or this one, a one-liner confirming such would be appreciated.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : [FW]Promising Study on Obesity

Date : Thu, 25 Sep 2008 19:43:46 -0400 (EDT)

From : "Brooks Bradley" <brooks76...@lycos.com>

To : <bradlebro...@gmail.com>

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Promising Study on Obesity

Date : Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:04:28 -0400 (EDT)

From : "Brooks Bradley" <brooks76...@lycos.com>

To : <silver-list@eskimo.com>

Recently, prompted by information encountered in Dr. Sharon Moalem's splendid book

entitled "Survival of the Sickest" (he covers everything from the evolution of diabetes, to the bubonic plague), we prosecuted a limited....but revealing, investigation relating to obesity in children. Dr. Moalem's premise revolved around data originating from Duke University scientists. What they had discovered was, to us....seminal in nature----an occurrence both fascinating and revealing-----relating to the effects of the DIET and SUPPLEMENTATION, by the prospective mother both before and during the earliest stages of pregnancy. To wit: It was discovered that a group of mice, "specifically bred to carry a gene called AGOUTI, which gives them their characteristic pale coat and tendency toward obesity"----reliably yielded off-spring

which were FAT AND YELLOW. The Duke scientists separated a population of, female Agouti mice into two groups---one control and one MODIFIED (but only to the extent of the diet. The Controls were fed a normal diet----they yielded the expected FAT YELLOW babies. The other group received similar prenatal care...with one exception---they were given vitamin supplements (actually, a combination of compounds especially rich in B12, folic acid, betaine and choline).

The results were, in short----STARTLING. Somehow, the Agouti gene had been TURNED OFF....the fat yellow mice had produced the THIN BROWN MICE. The Agouti gene in the "thin brown mice" was just were it was supposed to be....but had, somehow been TURNED OFF..... CHEMICALS HAD ATTACHED TO THE GENE AND SUPPRESSED ITS INSTRUCTIONS. This process is called methylation.

Our experiments tended to CONFIRM the results obtained by the Duke University research team. These results have us VERY excited, because they promise to offer excellent support to a means of effecting conditions enabling direct MODIFICATION of unwanted genetic instructions----in certain conditions. These studies are based upon a research field known as Epigenetics.

I will not bore you with further diatribe on this matter. However, we feel that

this tends to confirm the POWERFUL influence of prenatal nutrition on the health parameters of newborns.....and indications that such continues on into their later lives.

I would be remiss if I did not encourage the more interested of list members, to obtain a copy of Dr. Moalem's book------I guarantee it to be one of the MOST interesting and

informative you will ever read.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

p.s. We have a great interest in the possible effects of "adult stem cell protocol" on currently-expressing cases of morbid obesity (together with many other serious insults, such as

coronary heart disease/damage).....in adults of all ages. Adult stem cell protocols do not have ANY of the objectionable moral arguments put forward against the use of fetal cell extraction.....additionally, all stem cells are derived from the host....and therefore, do not present ANY form of rejection considerations. Note: Adult stem cell protocols ARE NOT, presently, legal in the U.S......except in veterinary medicine (the horses and other large animals are benefiting in astounding ways from this new science. FDA says HUMANS will have to wait until some future era in earth's history. Meanwhile, if someone has a dear family member

(and about 40k to 50k dollars) there are excellent clinics in Thailand---and other countries---which are achieving powerful results (often---IN DAYS)......among persons diagnosed as terminally hopeless for addressing cardio-vascular damage. I AM NOT putting forward recommendations of any type.....for direct treatment. My recommendations are for persons involved in Experimental Medical Research, only.
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