Evening Connie,

>> At 07:32 PM 9/27/2008, you wrote:
If you are able to watch the program "The Biggest Loser" or go onto their website you would find that fasting did not help them to lose weight. These people are 100 to 300 lbs overweight. The have to eat so many calories; but not just any type of food.

  Not sure what you mean.

  They have to eat so many calories, ...........   " to loose weight"


 They have to eat so many calories because of the body weight ?

  First, .......

       Fat has no calorie requirement and no nutritional requirement.

Also, eating more often (every 3 or 4 hours) you need to really plan the food that will be eaten and quantity.
   No one ever heard of work and sweat ?

Also, water intake is extremely important; that means no less than 6 to 8 glass of water a day and taken throughout the day. Fruit is important NOT juice or CANNED; whole fruits.
Yes, that part is true. They should have been doing that for years, ....... all their life.

Plus, you've got to get moving.. start by setting a time or day and amount of time for brisk walking. Work up to an hour a day.
   OK....... sounds like a plan, ........ maybe.

>> Also, make sure your Thyroid is working...

   That may not be so easy,  may in fact be impossible,

Starving onself is not the way to make life changes.

   Maybe not, but it is a good starting point.

  Being overweight is an American Disease.  It starts when a child is born.

  Many parents feed the kids like a fattening hog.  They eat that way too.
Idiot schools, no nutrition knowledge, a large percent do not work and do not exercise,
and they never will.

Add all the false information, mainstream lies, to that and what do you have?

An Incurable Disease, nothing else.

Even this statement, ........ "Promising Study on Obesity" seems like wasted time and wasted money.

My parents, grandparents, and great grand parents all knew what they needed to do.

One fact, ......... might be worthwhile to some.

Correct the body pH. If the body is too acid, it is very hard, nearly impossible to loose weight.

If everything else fails,  Take 6 ounces of castor oil per day.

Yes, I count the heavy people everywhere I go, figure the percentages, and watch the
fools eat.

I usually eat nothing but an Emergen'C and Water !

I study the food selection the fools collect at the grocery store, and often tell the nuts just what I think.

Idiots is the NAME of the Game.

Today I went to a cook out. Ate 2 small pieces of catfish, two frog legs, one hush puppy, and 3 french fries ( small ones at that ) . I drank water while everyone else was drinking booze and beer.

>> Young Lady Needs Loose 100 pounds.........
     No one knows how it got there !


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