On Sat, 04 Oct 2008 14:40:41 -0400
cking...@nycap.rr.com wrote:

Would it be possible for you to post a link or other reference for that
sodium nitrite info? Forgive me for saying so, but I can't help thinking
it sounds a lot like the results of so many "studies" funded by big
corporations these days...

> Imagine that...
> You have a legitimate reason for bloodletting.
> And this was laughed at as a naive procedure left over from early
> medical treatments.
> Now you need a Dr that will do bloodletting.
> Everything old is new again, and Woody Allen was right in "Sleeper"
> Found this:
> "As it turns out, sodium nitrite, the chemical used to color and
> preserve hot dogs and other meats, has remarkable effects on the
> cardiovascular system. In fact, it appears that nitrite salts may have
> a beneficial effect on all of the body's organs: heart, brain,
> lungs-everywhere the blood flows. Dr. Mark Gladwin and an NIH
> cardiologist, Dr. Richard Cannon III, discovered that even very small
> doses of nitrate almost tripled blood flow. This translates to
> prevention and/or cure of heart attacks, pulmonary hypertension,
> sickle cell anemia, and strokes-and that's just the short list.
> They also proved that when people exercised, nitrite levels dropped
> dramatically in the muscles being exercised. This indicates that by
> some mechanism, the body was using the nitrite in exercise. Oxygen
> deprivation, for whatever reason, is what eventually does us in. If
> this deprivation can be avoided, you will live longer and healthier.
> Sodium nitrite seems to have the ability to guard your cells against
> hypoxia (lack of oxygen). The researchers were amazed at the finding
> because they had been taught that nitrites had little medical
> relevance."
>                                               Chuck
> Hearsay:
>  What small children do when you mutter a dirty word.
> On 10/4/2008 1:06:22 AM, sol (sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com) wrote:
> > I've
> > been refused permission to donate blood, because of my adrenal
> > fatigue, so that simple way of getting rid of excess iron is out
> > for the present, unless I go doctor shopping again, and I
> > don't have much
> > enthusiasm in that. Where I live there are few choices in docs.

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