Thanks to everyone for your replies. You know he really doesn't eat much meat at all - maybe a hamburger every once in awhile-he is 13 so he still asks for McDs now and then.
He does consume his fair share of dairy though.
He drinks milk at school everyday.

I think his football equipment may be part of the problem but not all because he had this before he started playing. Sweating does make it worse.

Going to try to buy a CS gen but cannot spend $145 right now. Need info on making one here myself for now.

----- Original Message ----- From: "sol" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ Re: CS>new member-water oz

I'd be more inclined to think it caused by milk and dairy products than meat.
In some people acne can be caused by excess of iodine.

Indi wrote:
Meat eating can cause really bad acne in teens sometimes. I have seen very bad acne completely vanish on a vegetarian diet -- though I know many people would probably rather have the acne, but I think just giving up red meat may make a big difference.
Also junk food, steroids, or stimulants can cause acne.

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 02:52:20AM -0400, Kathy wrote:

As far as my son's acne. This really has me baffled. He never had anything at all until last summer when he got a really bad sunburn. It started about a month later and we have battled it ever since. The Dr. of course gave him strong anti-biotics and also a topical one - neither did anything. We have tried several essential oils, lotions, aloe, etc. We have tried different vitamins and herbs and as I mentioned previously bentonite clay. I am not sure if it actually a infection although the bumps look like small boils. Some of them get pretty big- maybe almost as big as a dime but not quite. He probably has 80-100 on his back and chest now. I am watching his diet but may be missing the culprit due to school lunches. He is pretty active these days he plays football (unbeaten right now 14-0) I did notice the other night after a game he was extremely sweaty and his face was broke out twice as bad as it was before the game. That really puzzled me.

I guess maybe I will just use the Water Oz stuff topically on him or maybe mix with clay.
Maybe it would be best used as a household cleaning solution. lol
So I am anxious to hear what others here think and to learn more about CS in general.


----- Original Message ----- From: "M. G. Devour" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 3:14 AM
Subject:  Re: CS>new member-water oz

Hi and welcome, Kathy!

I bet you'll get some info on CS, as well as a few other suggestions of
how to help your son's body get over the acne problem.

The actual definition of "Colloidal Silver" in practice is a slippery
thing. Those words have been applied to many products made in different
ways and with different characteristics; everything from chemical
precipitates to protein suspensions to concentrated silver salts have
been named and mis-named as "CS."

What we like to call CS would be:

Pure silver in pure water with no additives.
Not a silver salt or other compound.
Modest concentrations of maybe 5 to 20 ppm.
Usually mostly ionic, monoatomic or dissolved silver,
with some particulate silver.
Most often made by an electrolytic process.
Usually clear, colorless, with a faint tyndall effect
(that makes a laser beam shown through it visible).

Water Oz is not forthcoming in saying exactly what their silver product
is or how it's made. The analysis by other people I remember reading
about pegged it as a silver salt. It is one commercial product that has
been associated with several cases of argyria in people who used larger
doses than are recommended by the manufacturer.

If you haven't already heard of it, argyria is a blue/grey
discoloration of the skin or other tissues which is cosmetically
objectionable but appears to have no other health effect. In severe
cases it is seriously disfiguring, although mild cases have been
reported that did not seem to interfere with the person's normal
activities. It was long thought to be irreversible, but at least a
couple of approaches have been developed recently that, though
difficult, produce satisfactory results.

It is most likely to develop in people who a) ingest very large amounts
of total silver, most often silver compounds, and b) are deficient in
the minerals needed to handle excretion of metals. The body is normally
very good at eliminating silver within days, unless those excretory
pathways are overwhelmed by total quantity or inhibited by lack of
essential minerals. Supplementing selenium and probably zinc and
magnesium, will help assure their proper functioning.

Obviously, you'd choose to avoid the problem altogether, so I would
suggest not using more than the recommended dose of the product you
have bought, and replacing it with a different, more appropriate
preparation when it runs out. One bottle won't turn your son blue, but
gallons of it may, under the wrong conditions.

Okay, having thoroughly acquainted you with the only known potential
downside, let's talk about the successful use of CS! <grin>

Most of us make our own CS using generators we've bought or built
ourselves. You will then know for sure what's in it and how it's made,
not to mention saving a heck of a lot of money. When you consider the
difference in price between commercial products and distilled water,
the generator will pay for itself quickly.

I'm sure folks will also mention other commercial brands for you to

A daily oral dose and spraying or rubbing it on topically have been
reported to help quite a bit. Acne may not be entirely an issue of
infection, though, and CS mostly works by killing germs, so you'll
probably be drawn into a study of nutrition, supplementation, and other
strategies to control the remaining factors that contribute to it.

I wish you well, and welcome!

Mike D.

Hi I am Kathy - I just subbed to your group. Hope to learn more about
CS. I am on a never ending quest to clear up my 13 yo son's acne, which is mainly on his back but spreading. Recently I have started using clay which helped a little but not much. Yesterday I bought a bottle of what
I thought was CS but now I am not sure... It says silver dietary
supplement. It is made by Water Oz. Is this the same thing?


[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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