Yes, advertisers are another type of parasite trying to feed on you.



        From: Rowena [] 
        Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 11:35 PM
        Subject: Re: CS>Conscious vs the Unconscious
        What I have been led to believe in my various readings is that
the subconscious is always listening in and believing stuff, so that if
you incautiously say something like "I always get things wrong" it will
very kindly oblige and implement your 'instructions'.
        I suppose this is how subliminal advertising works.  Conscious
mind doesn't see it, subconscious does, recognises the brand, obeys the
        Bit of a stink on Aussie TV lately because one of the commercial
channels has twisted what it was told in a telling-off letter from the
authorities and instead of showing stuff for, say, one frame, keeps it
there for 12  and claims it is not contravening any guidelines that way.
          has the
MediaWatch information as an illustrated transcript, and there is also a
link to watch the clip.
        "ACMA's report described content being on screen for three or
more frames as being 'either at or above the threshold of normal
awareness'. The Nintendo DS shots on 5th Grader are clearly visible,
they appear on screen for twelve frames and are also accompanied by a
sound effect to increase their impact. 
        - Email from Jeannette McLoughlin (Head of Corporate
Communications, Channel Ten) to Media Watch, 10th October, 2008
        So expect to see a lot more messages from sponsors flashed up on
your screen from now on - and remember they can be as short as this:
        If you couldn't read it, download it from our website, and slow
it down.   "

        That is Unless
        The unconscious has been snooping and learning from my
        Not sure what I could do about that.
        Remain neutral and let them fight it out, I suppose.
        What if the conscious and the unconscious believe the same
        Hmm - yeah - will two negatives make a positive and melt down?
Or two positives make a negative and cure all your problems? :)