The Flu (depending how bad it is:  will feel a lot like food poison, you could 
have a chill, or a fever?, or both. You won't feel like eating much. You could 
be tired, and listless. U feel sick.
My cure is: at 1st sign of food poison or the flu, is 6 drops of Lugol's 
Iodine, in a cup of water. (if your not  allergic to Iodine.) pretty simple 

 If what you have is the flu or food poison U should be better with in a few 
hours, 2 to 6 at least. If not take one more dose 6 drops in a cup of water, 
and if that does not work U have something even worse, see a DR.   
Tel Tofflemire

Dewey, AZ.

--- On Sat, 10/25/08, Wayne Fugitt <> wrote:
From: Wayne Fugitt <>
Subject: CS>FLU, A question
Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 11:50 PM

  I asked this question before on some list.

  I got no answer.

  Possibly they thought I was kidding or trying to confuse the works.

  Honestly, I do not know.

  How do you feel if you have the flu?

  What are the symptoms and how can you know you have the flu ?

  Surely I would remember it if I ever had the flu.

  Once I was very, very sick.   I had a high fever and was out of my 
head a few days.  One genius doctor said I had a strep infection at 
that time.   That was 47 years ago.

Maybe that is when I got the brain damage.  Not sure.

I spent the day yesterday with my sister that was born in 1929.
I was telling her the neighbors names, describing houses, ect before 
I started to school, because we did not live in that area when I 
started school.

I told her some of her old friends names, their husbands name, and 
which ones walked with a limp.

All this had to happen when I was about 6 or 7 years old. And some less than  6

I asked here,  did she know anything I ever forgot?

I must have forgot something, but I do not remember what.


All my tag lines are in my head.  I wonder where Chuck keeps his
( I realize I do not have as many )


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