Yes, head in the sand is always the safest position to take.

-----Original Message-----
From: Faith Gagne [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver Puppy

Kirsteen:  You are doing a good job responding to spme total nonsense.  For 
myself, I choose to ignore it.  Best.  Faith G.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kirsteen Wright" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver Puppy

> On 11/5/08, Terry <> wrote:
>>  It began with Faith's gushing about our "wonderful new president" - 
>> or
>> do
>> you actually read any of these comments?
> Yes, funnilu enough I read them all. I don't know about you but I'm 
> not in the habit of replying to posts I haven't read. Faith added a 
> comment about the election to a post that was very definitely 
> on-topic. I would actually have had some sympathy with the view of 
> keeping political issues of this list if that's all you'd posted. But 
> you lose all right to hold that view when you put in your own totally 
> disparaging remarks first.
> Now of course people are allowed to have opposing political views 
> after
> all
> without that there'd be no democracy and no need to vote but the sheer
> hubris of calling everyone who disagrees with you a fool, well why have
> democracy? Why didn't you just tell America you were going to run it?
> And as for fools, well you quote two completely separate quotes on two 
> completely separate issues and yet I get the impression you expect 
> people to somehow link them together. Now I don't know you so I've no 
> idea whether you're the one who's foolish enough to believe there's a 
> connection or whether you beleieve everyone lese is foolish enough to 
> believe that. Only you know the answer to that.
> Kirsteen

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