They're completely separate quotes on exactly the same issue - SOCIALISM.
There is no Bush sin that justifies giving the country a large dose of rat
poison.  Why have a democracy?  In part, precisely because it gives me the
freedom to call fools, fools.  However, political correctness will soon have
the weight of the federal beaurocracy behind it, so I will enjoy the freedom
to do so while I still have the chance.  It's not a matter of me being right
or wrong, it's a matter of policies that have the potential to forever
damage this 230 experiment in democracy in ways that are irreversible.  Time
will tell - just watch.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kirsteen Wright [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver Puppy

On 11/5/08, Terry <> wrote: 

It began with Faith's gushing about our "wonderful new president" - or do
you actually read any of these comments?

Yes, funnilu enough I read them all. I don't know about you but I'm not in
the habit of replying to posts I haven't read. Faith added a comment about
the election to a post that was very definitely on-topic. I would actually
have had some sympathy with the view of keeping political issues of this
list if that's all you'd posted. But you lose all right to hold that view
when you put in your own totally disparaging remarks first.

Now of course people are allowed to have opposing political views after all
without that there'd be no democracy and no need to vote but the sheer
hubris of calling everyone who disagrees with you a fool, well why have
democracy? Why didn't you just tell America you were going to run it?

And as for fools, well you quote two completely separate quotes on two
completely separate issues and yet I get the impression you expect people to
somehow link them together. Now I don't know you so I've no idea whether
you're the one who's foolish enough to believe there's a connection or
whether you beleieve everyone lese is foolish enough to believe that. Only
you know the answer to that.
