For interested parties on the list that may not know where to familiarize themselves, somewhat, with the Work of Dr. F. Klenner, this introduction to some of his early works----might be illuminating. (see url at bottom of page). Dr. Robert F. Cathcart. M.D., has been most successful in his Vitamin C protocol developments. Try Http// for some interesting commentary on addressing clinical/sub-clinical scurvy. Few members of the general public realize how very prevalent low systemic levels of vitamin C are presenting among them. Also, it is useful to note that one should be quite explicit as to what "type" of ascorbate (e.g. sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, etc.). This will mitigate against misunderstandings by persons with whom you may be in contact. One additional comment: At present, there are an increasing number of individuals using ascorbic acid powder and solutions as a direct nasal address to various sinus presentations. Our research STRONGLY INDICATES such a protocol will cause damage to the mucous membranes (at least this has proven the case in our experimental research). The simple solution is to use either powdered sodium ascorbate "snuffed", or a buffered solution of acorbic acid powder mixed with enough sodium bicarbonate to yield a near neutral ph. This is quite simple in can place 1 level teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder/crystals in about 3 ounces of water and add about 1/2 teaspoon of common baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and stir well. The parent mixture will, immediately, become sodium ascorbate-----one of the ideal forms of ascorbate to ingest. Such a mixture has demonstrated to never cause any untoward effects in any of our experimental volunteers.......all epithelial tissues are quite accepting, and no damage has ever been evident. Sincerely, Brooks Bradley

p.s. Sodium ascorbate is several thousand percent MORE absorbable by human tissue.....than is ascorbic acid...and it IS NOT a tissue burner.

Another excellent source of Vitamin C information is Http//

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