I have an article here relating to Movidyn, (powdered form of colloidal silver), which the Russians discovered killed their entire arsenal of germ warfare bacteria, it also took out their newest designer poisons, (whatever they may have been as the article relates to the 1950's). The article also states the Japanese intended to conquer Australia by releasing rats infected with bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax, typhoid and hemorrhagic fever. No mention of Botulinum or Fancisella Tularensis bacteria though, I wonder if they were around back then? Haven't done any searching on these yet but wonder if these were some of the Ruskies 'newest designer poisons', or perhaps our own even?
Can't vouch for the articles' authenticity, but I don't doubt any of it for one moment, I only included it here as it relates to CS, allbeit in a different form to what we manufacture. N.