Steve, after your description yesterday about the plaque first, with other 
stuff repairing later, I couldn't help but giggle as I imagined the 
Serrapeptase granules as a tiny army of PacMen, landing in my stomach 
and evaluating my personal health situation.  "Okay, guys, first we have to hit 
the arterial placque; then we'll go after the junk in the intestines, liver and 
kidneys.  Meantime, the triage team will check for suspicious tumors and cells 
elsewhere.  The skin scars can wait for now.  Everybody ready?  A-team, you 
take the left ventricle, then move into the heart; B, get the carotid; C, 
you're on for the femoral.  GO."  

It's actually a funny way to think of things, but until I have reason to 
believe otherwise, I'm observing these changes and concluding that this is just 
part of my own body's way to eliminate the toxins and other trash the 
Serrapeptase is digesting.  I am used to the idea that often when you use an 
alternative to address a situation, first I get ill and then I get better.

I was interested to learn, Steve, that you're only doing one a day.  The bottle 
says one to three, and I've been taking three most days, but now I'll not be 
concerned if I miss that middle-of-the-day one and only get them in in the 
morning and at bedtime.  Those really are the best times for me to be 
consistent with any dosage issues, anyway.
The Truly Educated Never Graduate