Evening Indi and the List,

>> About eating pure fat for some reason always tends to trigger my gag reflex.

Yes, many things do that for me,  even the Smell of Bad Fat
and Bad Grease.  I can smell them a quarter mile away, it seems.

You might like this, unless you object to eating peanut butter.
That is Good Peanut Butter, No bad Fat.
Only peanuts, peanut oil, and salt.   ( several brands exist, I like Smuckers )

Peanut butter
Coconut Oil
Honey ( one can add a little black strap molasses, if they wish, or regular molasses )

Peanut butter and coconut oil do not mix in flavor.
It is hard to get the ratio and taste just right.
Try,  40 % peanut butter, 40 % coconut oil, and 20 % honey,
or a little more  or less of each.

I ate a full gallon of coconut oil the year I was working on my

EFA profile.  Seems I used 5 kinds of essential fatty acids.

The Reward, ............ every single item on the test was in the normal range.
It had to be sent to the Mayo clinic, no lab in town could do it.

32 items, if I remember correctly.

My genius doctor and his head nurse of 28 years experience,
had neither seen an EFA profile before in their life. so they told me.

This doctor is a physical fitness nut, and in every room, he has an article on health and nutrition
on the wall.

and......... finally, I got him trained to think a lot like me,

That was a hill to climb, but worth the effort for sure.

 no problem with eating pure fat.
I really don't use it for cooking or baking, due to concern I'd lose a lot
of the benefit that way.

I do not cook but once or twice per year, eat virtually no cooked food any more.

Usually some okra, corn, or fish, not much else.

I have an original recipe, so I think.

Nothing but okra, bell pepper and onions.  I can eat a skillet full of that.
A large skillet.  Not even sure why I did it the first time.

It must have been what I had from my garden.  No tomatoes.

That is a different item, and a different recipe. I have an award winning recipe of Okra and Tomatoes, over 100 years old, I was told by my friend who gave it to me.
It was his grandmothers recipe.

Try the peanut butter, coconut oil, and honey, but do not expect to get it right the first time.
Experiment with a slight difference in percentages.



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