At 12:08 PM 12/21/2008, Harold MacDonald wrote:
(HealthDay News) -- A good night's sleep really does a sick body good, new research says.

Maybe so.  I wonder what it does for a healthy body ?

I proved long ago,  of the three old things necessary for health, ..........

Proper Exercise
Proper Nutrition
Proper Sleep,

That Proper sleep was not required.   ( not sure who made up that  )

For years, I took one NAP at night.

The first time I woke, rolled over,   I got up and went to work.

I would work 30, 40 hours and more without going to bed or going to sleep.

Then once, I went from Monday Morning until  Thur night at minnight,
without going to bed.

The next day,  Friday, I was 100 miles from home at 6 AM.

Then once, from Friday AM until Sunday 2 AM I was in Washington DC.
( Actually, Reston VA )

I felt so good, I would have went out on the town, if I had known where to go.
Instead I lay in bed and read a magazine about 30 minutes before going to sleep.
( of course I Knew, Washington DC is a dangerous place )

You can tell me about,
Sleep, Exercise, and Nutrition,

But I can tell you about a little work.

I thought the immune system worked 24 hours per day.

It better work in the day time,  one could DIE before night.


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