I have a big problem. I will try to give you a little background. I had 60 
percent of my Thyroid removed about 26 years ago and they put me on Synthroid. 
I never felt good. Finally, about a year ago I was able to switch to Armour. 
After a few months my doctor decreased the Armour.  I have been taking only 60 
(mg?) from 100. Then I had a test about 6 months ago. The test looked like I 
was on the last end before it would read below normal but she kept me on that 
same dose. Well, after another 6 months, my last test was pretty awful. But, 
guess what? She is on vacation for 2 weeks and will write no new scripts during 
that time, she says so on her office recording.  In the mean time I have been 
trying to figure out my test. I have come to believe I need to get a new doctor 
and quick. Unfortunately there are none that are into natural that I know of. I 
am worried about my blood tests and I believe the hypothyroid is affecting the 
other readings. I also was having problems with adrenals which I thought were 
much improved. I think what happened it is that once my adrenals improved the 
thyroid was able to take-up more of the Armour. Now, it appears hypothyroid.

This is what the Thyroid Study says:
T4 Total 4.6        4.5-12.5 (normal range)
T3 Uptake 1.2     0.8-1.3   (normal range)
FTI   3.8             5.6-9.6   (normal range)    LOW
TSH 3rd Generation   0.608     0.400-4.000 (normal range)
Free T4     1.37     0.80-1.80    (normal range)

>From what I read the FTI is the most important one and that is the low one.
My other readings where out of normal range. Never have I had such a bad blood 

HCT High
Other readings on high end without going beyond normal range.

Other readings
NE ABSOLUTE  8.4   High

SODIUM     Low
Calculated Osmolality  Low

I am thinking some of this means my blood is too thick? I am thinking the low 
thyroid is affecting the blood. I know the low sodium has something to do with 
the adrenal problem. My AM Cortisol was 10.9 so that was in normal range 
between 5.0-25.0

Does anyone have any ideas on what this all means?  Hope someone can help me 
with this that understands blood tests better than I do. 