Paula, you need help from people that understand the thyroid, and most doctors don't. Here is a Yahoo Group that can help: There is also a website that the owner of the Yahoo Group has created that has a huge amount of information in it. It is There is also a Yahoo Group that can help you find a support group in your state:

I agree that you need to find a doctor that understands the thyroid. The tests that your doctor has run are not the right tests. You need Free T3 and free T4. You need the free T3 to be near the upper limit.

I hope you can find some help,

At 06:06 AM 12/27/2008, you wrote:
I have a big problem. I will try to give you a little background. I had 60 percent of my Thyroid removed about 26 years ago and they put me on Synthroid. I never felt good. Finally, about a year ago I was able to switch to Armour. After a few months my doctor decreased the Armour. I have been taking only 60 (mg?) from 100. Then I had a test about 6 months ago. The test looked like I was on the last end before it would read below normal but she kept me on that same dose. Well, after another 6 months, my last test was pretty awful. But, guess what? She is on vacation for 2 weeks and will write no new scripts during that time, she says so on her office recording. In the mean time I have been trying to figure out my test. I have come to believe I need to get a new doctor and quick. Unfortunately there are none that are into natural that I know of. I am worried about my blood tests and I believe the hypothyroid is affecting the other readings. I also was having problems with adrenals which I thought were much improved. I think what happened it is that once my adrenals improved the thyroid was able to take-up more of the Armour. Now, it appears hypothyroid.

This is what the Thyroid Study says:
T4 Total 4.6        4.5-12.5 (normal range)
T3 Uptake 1.2     0.8-1.3   (normal range)
FTI   3.8             5.6-9.6   (normal range)    LOW
TSH 3rd Generation   0.608     0.400-4.000 (normal range)
Free T4     1.37     0.80-1.80    (normal range)

From what I read the FTI is the most important one and that is the low one.
My other readings where out of normal range. Never have I had such a bad blood test.

HCT High
Other readings on high end without going beyond normal range.

Other readings
NE ABSOLUTE  8.4   High

SODIUM     Low
Calculated Osmolality  Low

I am thinking some of this means my blood is too thick? I am thinking the low thyroid is affecting the blood. I know the low sodium has something to do with the adrenal problem. My AM Cortisol was 10.9 so that was in normal range between 5.0-25.0

Does anyone have any ideas on what this all means? Hope someone can help me with this that understands blood tests better than I do.