says in part: ......... I have long believed that candida has a role in 
depression and Bipolar Disorder and I am not alone. Dr. William Crook, 
author of The Yeast Connection, and Dr.C .Orian Truss, author of The Missing 
Diagnosis and other physicians suggest this is the case, although more 
research needs to be done.
According to Dr. Sherry Rogers, author of Depression Cured at Last, says 
depression always involves a seriously malabsorptive state and gut that 
needs to be "cleaned out". or needs to be "fixed"as soon as possible.Celiac 
disease and candida contributes to malabsorption. ................   So 
research COCONUT OIL

Thyroid Function & Bipolar Disorder
There is currently an investigation on low thyroid and candida relationships 
connecting bipolar disorder and celiac disease. There is a clear connection 
between the process of thyroid hormone regulation and bipolar disorder. 
... so research MAGNASCENT iodine (

Poor intestinal flora can contribute to depression by altering the immune 
system. ........... In depression, there is an increase in inflammatory 
cytokines ............ . By increasing these cytokines, intestinal bacteria 
have been shown to induce depression, anxiety and cognition impairment. 
........ Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in 
the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. Coconut 
oil is unique in its ability to prevent weight-gain or cure obesity, by 
stimulating metabolism. It is quickly metabolized, and functions in some 
ways as an antioxidant. .. ( I was told the other day that the Omegas have 
an effect,which is why VCNO helps - but the antiparasitic action is a strong 
contender too)

Here we are - a mention -
Omega 3 deficiency contributes to Bipolar Disorder and Depression  Omega-3s 
are a safe, simple, natural treatment for depression, mental health, and 
enhancing mood without side effects.) ... benefits of fish oil and help 
readers restore their natural balance of omega-3 fatty acids, which are 
found in high concentrations in the brain.... The brain requires more 
omega-3 and fatty acids than any other system in the body. According to Dr. 
Stoll, without omega-3s, the brain cannot function normally, so even the 
most powerful antidepressants will be unable to improve mood. For optimum 
health, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids should be eaten in nearly equal 
proportions... Evening Primrose is another Omega 3 that is particularly 
helpful for PMS (premenstrual syndrome), irritability, mood swings, and 
Dr. Ann Blake Tracy has long taught that essential oils from Young Living 
are useful for bipolar people (including children) and others affected by 
mood disorders.   ...Helichrysum will chelate heavy metals from your system 
and will also chelate the results of plastics pollution throughout your 
body... When you go to Oil Testimonials, you'll want to search the keywords 
relating to mood swings, bipolar disorder, brain, etc.

a subgroup of bipolar disorder patients are deficient in arachidonic acid, 
an omega-6 fatty acid. They have developed three primary biochemical ...

The son of a friend of mine married a girl with bipolar, and she received 
treatment to her ears, some kind of clips or needles - forget what it is 
called - someone here may know.  Possibly magnetic, acupuncture related. 
This was a clinic in Queensland.

Not really, but the last I read, there were some intrepid college
students finding a link with parasites (toxoplasmosis).
  They found that antiparasitic drugs helped bipolar people, and the
bipolar drugs killed the toxo in the test tubes. There may be other
cause for bipolar, too.


On Jan 29, 2009, at 1:26 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Someone I know has started dating a girl with bipolar disorder.  Does
> anyone know of anything natural or holistic that might help or cure?
> Thanks,
> Marshall

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