I've been fumbling this email article thing, but here is the 3rd
Terry Wayne

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This first attachment is the text from my intro brochure that I created to 
introduce the concept of Metabolic Bioanalysis. I have been using this brochure 
for six years. The other attachments give more specific explanations of aspects 
of Ream's teachings. 

Metabolic Bioanalysis is the system of performing urine/saliva testing using 
specific laboratory equipment for the purpose of determining biochemical 
imbalances in the human body. The concept is that, if the human body is kept in 
balance and given the nutrients it needs, it will produce and maintain good 

There are five tests conducted that indicate where attention needs to be paid 
to one's diet and lifestyle in order to achieve metabolic balance. These tests 

1. pH (Acid/alkaline) levels. This test indicates which type of calcium 
(alkalinizing, acidifying or neutral) is most needed in the subject's body to 
ensure sound bone and teeth structure and development. It also indicates the 
level of mineral reserve in the body, the speed and efficiency of the 
digestion, how well the body is assimilating nutrients, blood insulin 
efficiency and other
important facets of human metabolism.             

2. Total blood sugars. This test determines the total blood sugars level, not 
just glucose. This can be important for people with a tendency towards diabetes 
or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), as well as other factors such as energy 
level, mental alertness, etc.

3. Total electrolytes level. Electrolytes conduct electricity within the body. 
This test gives insight into energy levels, pressure on the heart and other 
organs, water requirements, etc. 

4. Total Ureas. Ureas are by-products of protein metabolism, and this test 
establishes how much protein should be included in the subject's diet, how well 
they are digesting protein, what kind of protein that client should be 
consuming, the effect on the heart and other indicators.

5. Albumin (cell debris). This test indicates how fast the client is aging, 
cell structure integrity, and affects the readings of the other tests.          

With the results of these tests, I am able to recommend a specific type of diet 
and supplement program which is individualized to the client's particular  
metabolic needs, and designed to encourage the body to balance it's chemistry 
and optimize it's capacity to heal itself. Normally, balance can be improved 
using natural healthy foods, self-administered natural therapies and the 
specific supplements indicated by the tests. I do not diagnose diseases nor 
prescribe cures for them. 

Metabolic Bioanalysis was first developed in the early 1930's by the late 
biophysicist/biochemist Dr. Carey Reams. Early in his career, Reams had earned 
a reputation for his work in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry. Dr. 
Reams would test and analyze a farmer's soil, and when the farmer would follow 
Reams' recommendations for treating and restoring the soil to optimum 
productivity, the farmer would frequently experience up to a five-fold increase 
in crop production. Dairy cows fed with grain that was grown on this improved 
soil were known to produce 3-5 times more milk than ordinary dairy cows, and 
the milk was noticeably sweeter and creamier. 

In the late 1930's, Dr. Reams had a neighbor who had a little boy, 3 1/2, whom 
the doctors said was having epileptic seizures. The doctors had told the boy's 
father that his son would not live beyond the age of 5, that one day he would 
go into a seizure he would not recover from. At this time the boy was having 8 
seizures per day, and medicine had no effect. Dr. Reams took the principles of 
biochemistry that he had developed in the field of animal husbandry and applied 
them to human biochemistry. Dr. Reams (not a medical doctor, but a 
biochemist/biophysicist) took samples from the boy's body of everything it was 
possible to get a sample of and discovered that all the test results were 
duplicated in urine and saliva. (Reams believed he was the first person to ever 
do hair analysis). He made suggestions to the father of diet changes and 
supplements. After one month, the boy was down to one or two seizures per day, 
and after three months, all seizures had stopped. By 1968, Reams !
was traveling 150,000 miles per year as an agricultural consultant. After he 
retired, a 20-year old girl with Hodgkin's disease came to see him, telling him 
that the doctors had given her 30 days to live. He tested her, made 
recommendations, and she recovered. After that, people began to seek him out in 
large numbers.

As Reams' reputation spread and the demand for his attention grew, he decided 
to teach his analysis method to others. Though Dr. Reams died in 1988, today 
his bioanalysis technique is practiced and taught by his son, Eugene Reams, and 
his many students throughout the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Reams raised six children 
to adulthood, and none of them ever had a cold, ever had a cavity, ever missed 
a day of school in their lives! (They were all honor students, too.)

People would come to Dr. Reams and say, "I'm experiencing such-and-such a 
symptom, what do you think I should do?", and Reams would say, "I don't know, I 
haven't tested you. Don't tell me your symptoms, I don't trust symptoms. I only 
want to see what your test numbers are. The numbers never lie." He had no 
favorite diets (except good, natural food), and he didn't believe in consuming 
unnecessary nutritional supplements. His philosophy was, find out what your 
body needs, supply that to your body, and you will experience better health.
My name is Terry Chamberlin. I have been trained in using Dr. Reams' 
urine/saliva analysis method and first began testing people more than fifteen 
years ago. I have taken the Bachelor of Science Degree course in Nutritional 
Consultation from the American College of Nutripathy in Scottsdale, Arizona and 
the Certified Nutritional Consultant course from the College of Nu-Health in 
Klamath Falls, Oregon. I completed the Biological Theory of Ionization Course 
taught by Dr. Sandy Beddoe (one of Dr. Reams' students). I also participated in 
the hands-on week-long training by Eugene Reams, Dr. Carey Reams' son. In 
addition, I received off-campus training from Dr. Joseph Manthei, who for many 
years was Dr. Carey Reams' closest associate in his practice, and his top 