Have you checked for spider veins lately?  That is if there are any.

-------Original Message-------
From: Linda Ellis
Date: 3/18/2009 6:18:40 AM
Subject: CS>Serrapeptase update....
Just a note to share that I had my bi-monthly dental hygiene appointment
yesterday.  I've been taking one Serrapeptase daily since Thanksgiving, to
see if it did anything for all the old tom-boy scars.  No improvement on
that front yet, but the hygienist commented during the cleaning that the
plaque was very soft and easy to remove, and while I have a "couple" of
spirochetes floating around, all in all things looked pretty good.
I go to a holistic dentist, and so I finally mentioned my experiment.  I
said that I knew one of the effects of Serrapeptase is supposed to be to
dissolve arterial plaque, and asked if this might also be having a positive
effect on dental plaque.  They were quite interested, and decided to take
note of the situation and pay closer attention in future appointments.  All
in all, the dentist said it's a positive thing to take an enzyme in any
I'll keep y'all updated.