Don't worry about it, worrying justs gives them more energy for their dark plans. Keep plenty of CS around, and be happy.


Hanneke wrote:

This video contains some important information that I believe everyone should know about. Please don't just watch this video and leave it at that. Do some research yourself into the topics raised in this video. If the witness account given in this video is true then it is extremely worrying and we should all be asking serious questions about what is going on here.

Below is a message from EarthLastHope who originally posted this video earlier today:

"It is 3:41 in the morning, again I find myself without sleep. Can you think why? This video will explain now the sad HORRIBLE! connection I have just found, for any shills and skeptics, you may doubt now, but soon you will be dead in one of these. THIS IS VERY REAL! I WILL HAVE MORE VIDEOS ABOUT IT AS SOON AS I CAN! I wouldnt be suprised if my account is taken down after this series. REUPLOAD THIS VIDEO AND ALL OTHERS BUT MAINLY THIS VIDEO AND THE FEW FOLLOWING AFTER IT! THESE TRAINS ARE OUTSIDE MY TOWN, AND MANY MANY OTHERS AND I NOW KNOW WHY!!!!!!"

This site below is updated "Daily" and deals specifically with the Bird Flu issue and other viruses that are spread throughout the world. As of today, it looks like Egypt has had 64 cases of the Human Kind of Flu.

Here is the link:
http://pandemicinformationnews.blogsp... <>

This Govt site relating to Pandemic and trucking is VERY interesting: <>

Please comment, rate, fave and share this video with as many people as you can on YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Digg, LiveVideo, DailyMotion, BlipTv... the whole lot. We need to keep people informed of what is happening. I hope the witness account in this video is not true, but the evidence is stacking up and we can't just sit by and do nothing. Please help spread this video far and wide.


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