Twilight Zone!!!!
Gayla Roberts
----- Original Message ----- From: "Malcolm" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Murder...OT

There's a short story somewhere, the aliens come to earth and contrary
to expectations don't dominate us. Instead help us settle our
international differences without war, end disease, poverty, starvation.

many of them carry a small book with them, which they consult often when
working with us to solve our problems; seems to be, perhaps, some
religious text??  Almost impossible to read their written language, and
when asked they demur, saying it's not really relevant.

Finally someone manages to get hold of a copy and after a couple of
years succeeds in translating the title:
"How To Serve Man"

It's a cookbook.

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