Thank you Marshall! 
I just wrote an e-mail to the list about this topic also. 
This is an important topic making its way around the world. 
People are dying and I think deserves our attention, at least for a little
This is one of the things we are here for, isn't it? 
Also, I would like to devote some more attention to 'Where is Mike.' 
As I mentioned in my previous post, this is not at all like him, and I am
beginning to worry somewhat. 
Hopefully, he is out and about and having a great vacation or working around
the house immersed in some construction or fix-it project. 
-------Original Message------- 
From: Marshall Dudley 
Date: 4/27/2009 8:03:53 AM 
Subject: Re: CS>Reported cases of Swine Flu 
Sam L. wrote: 
> I just came across this today. 
> The Mexican swine flu outbreak of 2009 
> In April 2009, nearly 1,000 cases of H1N1 swine flu were detected in 
> Mexico causing more than 60 deaths^[15] 
> <#120da048d1c130b5_cite_note-14> . On April 24, 2009, schools (from 
> pre-school to university level) were shut down by the government in 
> Mexico City and neighbouring State of Mexico to prevent the disease 
> from spreading further. News sources report the spread as far north 
> as San Diego <http://wiki/San_Diego>^[16] 
> <#120da048d1c130b5_cite_note-15> . 
> After spreading in Mexico it crossed the border to the U.S., causing 8 
> cases in Texas and California. The patients have recovered. 
> [edit <http://w/index.php?title=Swine_influenza&action=edit&section=7> 
Yeah, I was wondering when they were ever going to release it, they sure 
gave us enough warning they were planning to. 
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