At 01:51 PM 5/6/2009 +0200, you wrote:

Thank you Ode - funny to call argyria smurfism :-)))

300 compared with <1,40 in 95% of people tested is high.
But I don't know the smurfism threshold number.


##  Isn't that test designed to find out what DIDN'T stay in the body?

If Silver is being eliminated all the time anyway, "chelation therapy" would be irrelevant.
 Silver is a semi precious metal, rare by the definition.
Why WOULD 95% of people that don't go out of their way to ingest Silver have ANY silver in them? "Normal" numbers would reflect a "normal" incidental intake of silver "normal" for an averaged environment that 95% of the population lives in.
Danged near none.
They're just not likely to have fried cloud lining for dinner or use silver forks to eat it.

Being on this list automatically makes *you* [and me] abnormal.


On Wed, 06 May 2009 06:59:50 -0400, Ode Coyote wrote in

>At 08:31 PM 5/5/2009 +0200, you wrote:
>>Isn't it said that colloidal silver is not stored in the body,
>>if it is made correctly?
>##  At a normal 94% - 99% elimination rate in 48 hours and a daily oral
>intake, Silver [in any form] WILL be retained.
>  Smurfism happens when a threshold of retained silver is crossed.
>So, if you use Silver every day, you WILL turn blue...but it might take you
>200 or 300 years to do it.
>  If you live to be 200, being blue is not a big deal.
>If you have NO idea of what you made, you have no idea what can be retained.
>Then, there's "high"..compared to "what"?
>  None?
>  "High" has no meaning without a qualifier that has meaning.
>  "Normal" is an average of a range found among those tested.
>  Averaged in with those NOT tested, no one knows what normal is.
>"Normal" is merely suggestive...only true within the sample to some
>"degree" of accuracy.
>>Today I saw the results of my heavy metal chelation test (urine
>>sample after DPMS provocation), and my silver numbers are extremely
>>high, with nearly 300 mcg/g Creatinin (normal numbers would
>>be below 1,40).
>>My son, who rarely takes CS but sometimes does when I urge
>>him (flu going round etc.), has a value of 10, which is still
>>considered "high".
>>I am an extreme perfectionist in silver making, never ever
>>added salt or anything like that, and yet I have these
>>deposits - ten times higher than the load of mercury,
>>lead or arsenic, which seem to come from environmental
>>pollution (?)
>>Any comments? Explanations?
>>Heidrun Beer
>>Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training
>>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>>To post, address your message to:
>>Address Off-Topic messages to:
>>The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>>List maintainer: Mike Devour <>

Heidrun Beer

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training