Ode to the Rescue! Thank you so much, Ode, for the reassurance, it
strengthens character, eypecially for a complete novice like me.
We're going away for two weeks vacation to the Netherlands, so I think I'll
make a new batch/quart to take along.
Oh, I do have another question, as I'm a bit confused still with some of the
contradicting information out there.
Question being, do I need to dilute what I made for ingestion? And how much
for how long. I'm thinking like a short cleanse, and no more ingestion til
symptons or situations arise where taking a dose of "antibiotics" would be
very good for ones health.
I have dog, and I'd like to ask if its advisable to put it into their
drinkwater, and how much for how long, or if I can/should put it into their
veggie mix I make to feed wiith fresh meat. Dogs are not to know to get food
poisoning, due to their digestive system being a bit :-) different than
ours, so I wouldn't want to "change" their disgestion in any negative way.
What are your recommendations?

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Ode Coyote <odecoy...@windstream.net>wrote:

>  The filters may have contaminated it..
> No need for brown glass or filters.
>  Let whatever settle, pour off what didn't and use clear glass so you can
> see what it looks like at any time.
>  Direct sunlight won't hurt it if it's pure.
> Ode
> At 05:53 PM 6/12/2009 +0200, you wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have a question that I'm not sure I know the answer to, and its
>> regarding the colloidal silver water I made a few days ago. At first, it was
>> pretty clear with a small teint of yellow, then I let it sit, and then
>> filtered it through 2 coffee filters. that was a few days ago, now I wanted
>> to fill the water into small brown bottles I bought, but now the color has
>> changed to an indiscribable color. Its still a clear water, but I can't tell
>> you what color it is. Has a teint of red or brown. Did I have good stuff
>> that went bad? It wasn't kept in direct sunlight, and it hasn't been hot
>> here. Can i stll use it other than for cleaning or plants?
>> I guess I'll have to make some more... Its already the 2nd batch. The
>> first batch I watered my plants with, cause there were some big pieces on
>> the bottom of the jar.
>> Aldona
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