At 09:22 AM 6/15/2009 -0400, you wrote:
My first question is, how long should I leave the process brewing and does it take longer if I am making 2 gallons at a time? do I ever need to get new silver leads and when should I? I just wiped my silver leads with a clean paper towel is that okay? how do I increase the ppm? after 3 hours what is the ppm? after 6 hours what is the ppm? and so on and so forth... feel free to call me now at my desk also with any helpful tips

##  Too many glaring conditional vagaries to say anything at all.
..the questions are meaningless and un-answerable without a lot more information.

Excepting the obvious:
When the silver is gone, you don't have an electrode...time to get a new one.
 Anything clean is suitable for wiping one off.

A. Evans/ Desk: 202.461.8863
Fax: 202.565.4679
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

Subject: RE: CS>Shelf-life of CS
I agree completely. I keep my homemade CS in a glass sun tea pitcher on the counter and it takes about a month for me and the fam to use 3/4 of it. I use the other 1/4 as a starter for my next batch. It has always stabilized at 5ppm.

##  As measured by what method or instrument?
Without splitting hairs ALL the way to the root, if a "PPM/TDS" meter was used, that's more like 10 PPM rather than 5.
Meters don't measure PPM.
 PPM meters are designed to work in salt water.
 Silver water is not salt water.


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