I'm beating my brains out tryin to remember what we decided was the best 
protocol for a sting.

I don't know what stung me.  Yesterday morning on my way out the door I noticed 
a stinging, itchy sensation in my chest area (directly above the cleavage 
area).  After getting to work and seeing myself in a mirror I noticed a good 
size welt with a 'hole' in the middle.  All I have at work is some CS that is 
5% DMSO (months old if that matters), so I dabbed the sting numerous times 
throughout the day.  When I got home I applied a 40% DMSO to CS mix to a cotton 
ball and taped it on with a band aid and slept in it.

Although it doesn't hurt, it's still really itchy, and feels like it's real 
hard underneath - the 'hard' part is about the size of a dime.  The 'hole' area 
is kind of oozy but dried over looking.  I forgot the 40% DMSO, so have just 
dabbed on the 5% off and on today.  I have ordered a unit from ^V^, but haven't 
heard when I'm getting it yet, so I can't even experiment with that yet.

I guess what concerns me is this hard 'core' (for lack of a better description) 
or whatever under the bite,  I'm assuming it probably is full of the "poison" 
of whatever bit me and I'd like to get rid of it.  It's NOT a boil, but could 
kinda resemble one with the hardness underneath.

Any suggestions?!?

Thanks in advance!