Thank you.

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, Marshall Dudley <> wrote:

From: Marshall Dudley <>
Subject: Re: CS>polarity switching circuit?????????????????
Date: Monday, June 22, 2009, 10:23 AM

john freese wrote:
> Hello,
> I built a polarity switching circuit. Does _any body_ know how often should 
> the circuit switch? And why? Thank you in advance. John.
For around 20 volts, once per minute seems about optimum.  At 10,000 volts, 120 
times a second is about optimum.  The higher the voltage the higher the 
frequency.  It basically has to do with how far the ions travel from the 
electrode before reversal takes place, and the lower the voltage, the longer it 
takes.  If they do not travel far enough, then they plate right back out on the 
electrode on the next half cycle, and if you go too slow, it can cause some 
buildup of crud.


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