Actually, I think rhat any particle you can see is too large to be useful.
 - Steve N

From: Norton, Steve <>To: 
<>Sent: Tue Jun 23 18:46:15 2009Subject: Re: CS>Everyone 
knows about CSJean,Are you talking about silver particles (grey) or silver 
oxide (black)?
 - Steve N

----- Original Message -----From: Jean Baugh <>To: <>Sent: Tue Jun 23 17:14:04 
2009Subject: CS>Everyone knows about CSHi,I have a question for the list.  When 
I decant by using the spigot at thebottom of a gallon glass jar, there is quite 
obviously quite a bit moresilver in the bottom part of the water.  I have been 
straining this off andthrowing it away as a worthless by product.My question 
is, wouldn't this concentrated silver water be perfect to add tococonut oil to 
use an an ointment for scratches or wounds, or on bandaids?